Sunday, July 23, 2023

Only hits count, but not all hits are the same...

There are plenty of frequently used pistol targets out there that have, problems with real-world applicability.

For instance, there's the classic B27, which is laid out as though it's intended to condition shooters to pop people in the belly button. Then there's the USPSA target, which has a lower A-zone that is, well, "generous" is putting it gently.

The classroom portion of the Tactical Anatomy class from John Hearne goes into detail on the actual target areas that matter in defensive shooting.

Further, the class covers the three dimensional aspects of targeting, and how it can change aim points depending on the angle from which the target is engaged.

Notice that the shot that looked low from the front would have been a bad day for dude when you look at the other side of the target.

The juicy target areas are a lot narrower than most qualification or game targets allow for, but there's also more vertical slop in that narrow window. If you're gonna miss, keep your misses tight along that vertical axis.
