.38 Special and .357 Magnum N-frames. From rear to front:
1936 .38/44 Heavy Duty, w/Micro target sights.
1964 Model 27-2.
2002 Perfomance Center 627-3.
1936 .38/44 Heavy Duty, w/Micro target sights.
1964 Model 27-2.
2002 Perfomance Center 627-3.
Books. Bikes. Boomsticks.
“I only regret that I have but one face to palm for my country.”
Tam, we gotta getcha a better background-- the towell ain't workin'. The guns are pretty and the light's okay, but their colors aren't contrasting right with the high-knap red cloth.
I like a nice neutral low-knap gray blanket.
Oh, and the .38-44 is wayyy kewl. Yo quiero lo.
Now that is some high class gun Pr0n!
Whoops, double-tapped there.
That was the verification word at you blog. It looked funny, so I typed it. :)
Ah, I thought that might've been some of that crazy 1337-speak all the young whippersnappers are using these days.
That .38/44 is lurvly.
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