Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Insomnia Never Sleeps...

Awakened at 0245 by the sound of a cat horking somewhere, I have been a complete failure at getting back to sleep, my mind a whirl of random bits of nonsense...
  • In honor of our seven billionth neighbor, I'd like to renew my campaign to convince the Chinese that there's nothing like some ground-up whitetail deer hoof sprinkled on your noodles to put a little lead in your pencil. If we can convince them of that, maybe they'll do to the North American Hoofed Rat what they've already done to the tiger and the rhinoceros.

  • If you can't figure out that Catholic University might not be amenable to forming a Muslim prayer club, then how in Vishnu's name did you manage to get any question on the SAT right after "NAME:_________"? It's not like they were trying to sneak their religious affiliation by you there, Achmed. What's next? Suing Bob Jones U. because they won't set up an LGBT Studies Program?

  • While he was probably just a garden-variety perv, I prefer to think that somewhere there's a fraternal organization with some really tough initiation rituals: "Okay, Cletus, now you have to put on the pink bikini, climb through the window of the day-care center, and bump & grind for the security camera real sexy-like, 'n' then you're in the club."


JD Rush said...

Chronic Wasting Disease, hmmmm... Wait, you were not going there, were you? Guess that might start the zombie plague, at least......

Lewis said...

I think it was that shyster Banzhaf who filed the complaint against CU, all on his own, with no real live actual Muslim students involved. Tikkun olam, I guess.

Anonymous said...

I went to law school at Catholic. Actually, it's the Catholic University Columbus School of Law, named after the Knights Of. There were crucifixes on the classroom walls and, even more Catholic, the school had its very own beer truck.

The most important part of the linked article: "...but professor John Banzhaf said he filed the complaint with the city based on the article and had not received any complaints from Muslim students." In the highly technical language of the legal system, that makes Banzhaf what we call a total f'ing douchebag.

Son of Sam Adams said...

"What's next? Suing Bob Jones U."?"
Exactly so. Their pockets are deep enough for Banzhaf to find them an attractive target.

Wayne said...

It's always nice to get up in the middle of the night and step in a pile of cold cat vomit.

Tam said...

Hence the reason that the very sound of it being produced wakes me right the heck up and has me flipping on lights until I find the crime scene.

NPVIRR said...

Meanwhile the USPS in Madison, Wisc. will see a blip in activity tomorrow as tens of hundreds of dozens of middle aged white guys send the state's criminal investigation branch their mens rea waivers and ∅50.

The GOP controlled state legislature votes today on a Castle Doctrine bill which requires the criminal to be _in_ your car before legal defenses are available to the victim. And they expect us to rescue these clowns from recalls?

Kristophr said...

Former blue state Republicans often need to be retrained.

Stockholm Syndrome, ya know.

Anonymous said...

Err, actually :
