Shootin' Buddy turned the truck around right there in the middle of the 'hood, and went back to the corner of 25th Street and Drive-By Avenue, where I hopped out into the rain to snap this picture.
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Books. Bikes. Boomsticks.
“I only regret that I have but one face to palm for my country.”
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OOPS. Hey they spelled Jesus right.
Haven't you ever been thirfty and needed a drink?
If you want to hear what that dialect sounds like, Google up "Shirley Q. Liquor".
Beaumont, TX comedienne, she claims to have 19 "chirren". One of her tracks is "Who's My Baby's Daddy?"
Total send-up of the culture, she's frequently played on the conservative talk-radio show of Michael Berry, here on AM 740. (KTRH if I recall correctly?)
"Thirft", would fit her routine, perfectly, indeed!
Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
I didn't FIND Jesus... I bought him at the THIRFT store.
Well, where do you get your thirft? Amazon's fine but you really ought to support local business.
Thirft? Isn't that the sound of a suppressed 3-round burst?
Getting a drink when you're thirfty is part of the "purfuit of happineff" that Jefferson wrote about.
That place looks like one of those traps where there's a super dangerous bad-guy lair/trap and he's thrown up a false store front to convince you it's all innocuous to lure unsuspecting illiterate passers-by inside.
AuricTech wins.
Is that the store where you can get those dashboard bobblehead Jesus dolls?
Lucky you. I can't buy thirft anywhere around here.
Try this, I've passed it many times in South Dakota on I-90:
Dick's Body Shop:
24-hour Toe Service
Just what kind of service do they perform on your toes?
You're a better person than me. Took me the better part of 10 minutes looking at that picture to spot what was wrong.
Who the hell writes Jesus with an epsilon in place of the e in America?
What bothers me is that there doesn't seem to be an actual store there... it seems to be JUST a storefront. You can see the siding of the building behind it through the windows. Add to that the... confusing spelling, and I'm wondering just WHAT is going on there.
"Add to that the... confusing spelling, and I'm wondering just WHAT is going on there"
In the middle of the frickin' Swamp in Indianapolis?
What is going on is a bunch of Class A and B felonies and associated Conspiracy to Commit said A and B felonies.
None of you guys worry about Tam. I take her to all the best places.
Shootin' Buddy
We call them Bars in Indiana. Obviously, the sign-maker was of Kentucky heritage.
I have to admit to taking a while to notice it too... my excuse is my brain was auto-correcting it before conscious processing.
Reminds me of that cognitive exercise where they took a sentence and for each word left the first and last letter alone and mix-mastered everything in between.
Shockingly most adult readers can actually read the resulting gobbledygook as if the stuff was spelled correctly.
The brain is a marvelous machine.
I didn't see it at first either. It's amazing what your brain will correct until you start looking at the individual letters.
Did you go spray paint a red line under it?
Thirft, theft, in said neighborhood, it's all the same.
Move it to an upscale part of "towne", and rename it "Grande Thirfte: ...... add an auto parts sideline, mehbee ......
Interesting condition of the side door and frame.
"But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirſt"
Golly that ligature S is subtle in this typeface: ſ is not f, f ſ f ſ,
What's really sad is that my brain made assumptions by the appearance of the word. I didn't catch on to the misspelling of "thirft" until I saw it in comments. Then I knew what to look for.
I'll take Furniture Jesus over chitcago jesus any day.
Jesus was a carpenter, so I guess Furniture Jesus makes some sense.
I can't think of any new puns for Thirft. :( Near my home is a tow truck service that has a sign in front of its office advertising "Lein Sales". It has been that way for 20 years. I keep meaning to stop and take a picture, but I'm always on my way someplace and don't have time.
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