Saturday, August 16, 2014

Just to note this someplace...

Phrases from recent forum or Facebook conversations that I thought would be swell in a musical context:
Band Name: Hopeless Dirtshooter
Debut Album: Benevolent White Ass

Band Name: Biogas Jackrabbit
Debut Album: Punching Bozo
Facebook is too ephemeral for my taste... well, it's not actually that ephemeral, vis-à-vis any other content on the tubes you'd care to pick, it's just hard to search. If I'm still blogging five years from now, for instance, this post would be pretty easy to find by searching on "ephemeral" which is not a word that pops up in conversation too often...


The Jack said...

I remember seeing Hopeless Dirtshooter open for the Hooting Mouth Tubes.

Mike_C said...

The venom of a black mamba can kill a human in four hours, if, say, bitten on the ankle or the thumb. [...] The amount of venom that can be delivered from a single bite can be gargantuan. You know, I've always liked that word... "gargantuan"... so rarely have an opportunity to use it in a sentence. And the opportunities to use that word are ephemeral.

I kinda like "Benevolent White Ass" as a band name too.

mikee said...

The Dave Barry is strong in you today, what with thinking these phrases would make good names for rock bands & all.

BGMiller said...

Biogas Jackrabbits.....

They're fracking huge....

Sorry, couldn't resist.


Old NFO said...

LOL, good point Tam!