One of the commenters noted that the Tornado F3 (the British name for the ADV, or air defence variant) were in use in the Falkland Islands in the 1990s.
"Tornado F3's flying over the Falkland islands. MOD 45147767" by Photo: Cpl Darren Smith /MOD. Licensed under OGL via Commons. |
The Phantoms were replaced by Tornadoes, and the Tornadoes in their turn have been supplanted by Typhoons. Apparently Her Majesty's Air Force no longer puts names on the planes, but the four Typhoons bear the tail codes F, H, C, and D above the Maltese Cross emblem of the flight.
(Incidentally, and perhaps unsurprisingly, the Falklands seem to have much more relaxed gun laws than are normal for a UK possession.)