Both times I caught the light right there at Gate 2, from where I could hear the cars howling past only a hundred yards or so to the north.
One of those was probably Conor Daly's USAF-sponsored #47 car, which is painted up as an homage to Glamorous Glennis...
I'm still really torn on the new ginormous windscreen. Yeah, it's good for aero and yeah it protects drivers better from on-track debris...but so would a roof when you get right down to it. The screen also introduces problems of its own. I remember how Farmer Frank railed against those rear wheel sponsons and I can only imagine how he'd seethe about this.
It does look kinda cool with the right paint job, though, and I guess it's still technically open-topped, but from some angles it also looks like someone driving around with the top down and the side windows rolled up, which every convertible owner knows looks dorky af and is only done in emergencies.