Sunday, August 16, 2020

Like a moth against a light bulb...

Watched all of The Tick...oops, no more of those.

Watched all of The Orville...oops, gonna be a while before there are more episodes online.

Watched all of Homecoming...oops, probably that's all?

Watched all of What We Do in the Shadows...oops, COVID-induced hiccup in producing Season Three...

Watching The Umbrella Academy...well, we just passed the halfway point in Season One, with Season Two yet to go, but...delayed oops?

It looks like the next season of The Boys is in the can and ready to roll, so there's that.

One of these days we're going to pick a series to watch over dinner that has eight or ten seasons with a dozen episodes each. The closest we've had recently is Breaking Bad.
