Thursday, August 20, 2020

Weird Nostalgia

Putting together that piece for Ammoman has left me with a weird nostalgia for a Surefire M900, the old-school weapon-mounted light built into a vertical foregrip.

Thing is, I don't really have any guns to put it on. It'd just be for a range toy, anyway. Full-size VFGs tend to get in the way, and the only carbine I have that still has an old-school full length rail farm on it already has a perfectly useable modern Surefire Scout.

I've got most of the parts to assemble the gun lying around except for the rail system and a bare upper, but I'd just wind up building some sort of retro carbine, playing with it some, and selling it in this panic or the next.

I'm still browsing eBay, though...