Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Paying Attention

Bobbi has a good post up regarding last night's politicking...
"Over on Facebook, a couple of my true-red conservative and pure-gold LP friends have proclaimed, with a kind of outraged purity, that of course they weren't watching the Democrat convention! Why, you couldn't pay them to watch!

That's one way. The problem with it is that if you don't keep an eye on 'em, politicians will rob you blind. Every four years, the two biggest parties go to the trouble of telling us (at least in part) just how they plan to work the heist -- and who would pass up that kind of advance notice?
It would be interesting to do a back of the envelope survey of people who go on at length about the Heinleinian sanctity of exercising the franchise, the need to do so as an informed voter, motivated enough to go to the polls in person on election day and show physical proof of identification, with all balloting materials in English only*...who also can't be arsed to watch or read a scrap of politically-oriented news or commentary from outside their own bubble.

*Because someone incapable of speaking or reading the de facto official language could not possibly be well-enough informed on the issues to exercise the franchise with due care, a viewpoint I will admit to having held off and on in the past.