Monday, April 16, 2012

Our long dark night is over.

'Nukyular'; it's pronounced 'nukyular'.

I wonder if he can see the Falklands from his front porch in Hyde Park?


Sean D Sorrentino said...

No, he screwed up by calling them anything but the Falkland Islands.

By calling them Malvinas instead of Falklands, he's basically saying that he believes that Argentina has some sort of claim on them.

We know he hates the British, so is he trying to start another Falkland Island War?

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

"Barack Obama made an uncharacteristic error, more akin to those of his predecessor George W Bush"

Hmmm, as a proud Austrian-speaking bilingual of the 57th state, I resent the insinuation that our president is as dumb as the previous president.

SGB said...

He needs to ask a Navy Corpse MAN.

Anonymous said...

No worries. He's just there to scout out some sweet vacation hookups anyways.


RL said...

Yeah, and Hookergate is just a toll booth on the road from Cartagena to Medellín.

Divemedic said...

Post title needs to be changed. You can't say dark night about the President. Is racist.

If Obama owned an Island, it would look like the Maldives. Er, the Malvinas, uh- the Falklands.

The Quiet Man said...

No problem...if the MSM doesn't pound him with this on an hourly basis then it didn't really happen. Just ask Sarah Palin, Chimpy McBushitler, or Dan "potatoe" Quayle how that works.

Old NFO said...

Agree with Sean... Once again he's going against our allies... sigh

Anonymous said...

What Sean D. said.

It's spelled M-a-l-v-i-n-a-s, but pronounced, "Falkland Islands", Jugears.

And hilariously, at a press conference he pronounced Colombia with a long 'o' in the second syllable--"Colohmbeea". The annoying twerp speaks no known second language, but thinks if he punches up what he thinks is foreign sounding pronunciation, it makes him look learned. You know the whole "Pockeehstahn" thing.

Mike James

Tam said...

Divemedic gets today's internets.

mikee said...

My son is starting a foreign study internship in Argentina this fall, as the final requirement in his international commerce degree. We are sending him with sufficient electronic recording media to document the lead up and start of the likely war, and enough money and common sense to hop over to Brazil and then home if necessary. Should be a memorable internship for him.

NotClauswitz said...

He could have called them the Andaman Islands, a long-time penal colony for India and otherwise inhabited by headhunters - hey my anthro prof is in Wikidikipedalia! They shot an arrow into the leg of his film director...

rickn8or said...

Mike James, it thought English was his second language.

Home on the Range said...

Divemedic talks about Obama's island and all I can think of is "Island of Misfit Toys"

Oh wait no! It had a squirt gun that shot jelly. Evil squirt guns!

mongo78 said...

In sorta related new, the Argies just nationalized the assets of oil company YPF. If they do it just right they'll wind up in a war with two European nations instead of only one.

Bram said...

He's just dreaming of a tropical Islamic Republic with Sharia law.

Jerry said...

No, it isn't, not yet. And no, I did not vote for Jimmy Carter. I just lived through it.

Joe in PNG said...

Wanna bet not one single American reporter present caught that gaff.

Anonymous said...

Every time a politician -- or candidate -- does something like this, I wonder how I'd look if everything I said or did was recorded and broadcast.

I know they chose to be there in the fishbowl, but it can't be easy.

Kristophr said...

It wasn't a gaffe.

It was deliberate. Obama still doesn't forgive the brits for turning the Vickers on his Kenyan relatives.

Bubblehead Les. said...

You all know that he grew up in Hawaii, right? They speak a Different Kind of English out there, Brah. But it's all Da Kine.

Besides, why does he need to know anything about Geography, anyway? That's Hillary's Job.