Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Slimline Nines

Three single-stack nines in roughly the same size class: The Glock 43 holds six rounds in a flush-fit mag and is barely pocket-gun sized, at least for people with male-pocket-privilege. The only garments I have with pockets that big are winter coats.

The Smith & Wesson Chiefs Special 9 has seven-round flush-fit magazines. It's the smallest factory gun Smith built on their original Model 39/59 traditional double-action architecture.

The Springfield Armory XDe holds eight-rounds in the factory flush-fit mag and ships with a nine-round extendo.

I took the trio to Indy Arms Co. yesterday along with a hundred rounds of Sig Sauer Elite Performance124gr 9mm FMJ ammunition to do some side-by-side shooting...

The three pistols are each sitting by the results of ten shots fired at five yards at an unhurried pace. The XDe and CS9 were decocked between shots, so all ten of theirs were fired double action.

One thing that was immediately apparent was the difference in shootability between the Glock and the other two. The Glock is a handful by comparison with the two other guns, with a bunch more recoil and concomitant muzzle flip. The XDe is more controllable by far and the CS9, with its fat factory Hogue grip, is downright pleasant by comparison.

I fired the remaining seventy rounds through the XDe at the lower left target from a distance of seven yards, firing the first shot of each magazine double action and the remainder single action.

None of the pistols had any malfunctions, not that I expected any.