Squeaky informs us that the Department of Central Intelligence's Counterterrorism Center is sporting a spiffy new logo:
Apparently they are the new "Slightly Anthropomorphic Black Space Android Busters", although why a Space Android is armed with an AK-47 remains unclear. Please tell me that some agency employee doodled this on a napkin for free, and that my tax dollars were not actually spent on the creation of this, er, "logo".
I think my friend DaWankler said it best: "I ain't afraid of no terrists."
That looks like something I would have doodled (and been suspended for, certainly) in school.
Well, if the BBC are to be believed the AK-47 will be the weapon of choice at the end of the universe (per Dr. Who).
Ironically for a brit show they used the full auto variant.
My interpretation when I first saw it was that it was a "No tar-babies allowed" sign.
Bring out the gimp!
Is that supposed to be a scimitar-shaped bayonet? I mean, isn't that kind of racist, and we still don't want to piss anyone off, do we, I mean, more than they already are at us, right?
and what bobg said, too. Total gimp action on that one.
I think it looks like Batman with an AK-47.
Anyway (buffing nails), I had this a week ago.
I thought the "weapon of choice" for terrorists were IEDs and airplanes...
No, the weapon of choice is a .22 LR because it is an "assassin's bullet".
anon, Right you are, but only when fired through the "armor-piercing" barrel...
Just...damn. At least it beats the home-schoolers-as-terrorists scenario that one school district came up with for their contingency drill.
After Pokey was rocketed by the infidels Gumby just wasn't the same...
tbeck, just send that new keyboard along via express mail, I need it now!
Don't worry, this will vanish as soon as Sharpton and Jackson see it. But no one will be fired.
Can you imagine what brilliant work they could have had if they had offered $500 and public credit for a design?
"Can you imagine what brilliant work they could have had if they had offered $500 and public credit for a design?"
And think of all the Scandinavian cartoonists that could have entered! The mind boggles, but for a different reason.
I'm surprised they didn;t go the route of THE SUM OF ALL FEARS film. That's the one where neo-nazis dig up a bomb in Jordan...no, wait, that isn't right...they find it in Russia, and then detonate it in the US to strike back at the godless infidels...dammit, I'm doing it again!
Oh well, you get the idea. Now I'm off to watch EXECUTIVE DECISION and TRUE LIES, where we know the enemy and aren't afraid to call a Moor a Moor.
Actually, that kind of sounds like a good name for some Al-Quaeda honcho: Sheik Amoor Amoor.
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