Each page tells of the wonderful things that Democrats, in the guise of mommy, do. "Democrats make sure we all share our toys", "Democrats make sure we are always safe (except from god-bothering terrorists and homicidal dictators)", "Democrats make sure we are always broke because they give all our money to people like the asshats at the NEA" et-frickin'-cetera.
Look, Democrats need to understand that I don't want to share my toys, and that if I decide to take up nekkid' bungie-jumping while juggling chainsaws tomorrow, it's none of their business whether or not I wear a helmet while doing it. They also need to understand that if they want to propagandize today's youth, a First-Person Shooter would be a lot more effective than a dead-tree book with anthropomorphic Trotskyite tree rats.
Chris Muir did a wonderful snark of this some time ago. Damon gifted one of the women with a "Daddy is a near-sighted Republican in an SUV" book -- complete with flattened squirrel bookmark.
Reason magazine did an article on this last year.
Suffer the Little Children
I'm surprised it isn't required reading in the government schools.
Hmmmm..... nekkid bungee jumping....
this reminds me of about a dozen years ago when I flew to visit a friend in an ultra-p.c. metropolis and on the coffee table was a book about how loggers are bad people. Meanwhile, on that visit, I split my time between her house and my relatives who live a couple hours from her house and who all rely on the logging industry for a living. I wonder how they reconcile themselves to use paper anything if loggers are so evil? Why are they not living in mud-huts and straw-bale houses, if wood is so obscene to use for mere human uses? argh!
Sorry - shoulda said that book on the coffee table was apparently one she was reading to her 3 year old daughter.
Whats next? Doctors quizzing our children on our gun collections?
OMG..."anthropomorphic Trotksyite tree rats...!"
In most countries, snark that pow'rful ain't even legal!
Interestingly enough, squirrel is the only animal I have ever hunted.
phlegm, been there. My son's elementary school (also mine and my dad's) was across the street from the tank-farm of an oil refinery. There are deer in there. My dad worked there (and my grandfather, and my sister). So in kindergarten, they had a major picture-book reading on The Evils of The Oil Industry.
Oh, I sent that one right up the flare stack.
Now my son is 17. They suddenly needed a new school building, 3/4 of a mile farther from the refinery. The Board feels vindicated, my school will soon be a big-box store, and my kid will be paying for that barn the rest of his life (since the 'Pigovian sin-tax' on making gas goes to pay for something else now). The Party calls this a "quality of life" issue.
I still prefer
Marijuana for Children.
If there will be pictures, I'll spring for one of the chainsaws.
"If there will be pictures, I'll spring for one of the chainsaws.
I'll loan another one to the cause.
What are you thinkin', Tams, three or four?
(Who's feeling a little left out by missing the elusive, legendary [and probably non-existent] bikini picture.)
I can com up with the bungie cords and harness... :D
Are you going to tell him how Google works, or shall I?
(Oh, I am in for it now!)
What Lawdog said...
Share out toys? Are you mad?
That's crazy talk.
See what a tricky thing human society is: nobody here will share a toy, but we're all willing to kick in a chainsaw.
It's all in how you ask.
I have the camera.
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