Friday, March 18, 2011

Oh, I'm gonna have fun with this.

Apparently that pack of worthless busybodies at the UN has decided that it's time for regime change in Tripoli, so they're authorizing everybody to whine to Uncle Sam to go get militarily involved and start bombing Libya.

Sorry, we've toppled our quota of genocidal Arab dictators for the decade and have had to listen to everybody tell us what jerks we were for doing it. Let Sarkozy show Kha... Qa... Gaddafi some choc et effroi.
As a side note, I was completely unaware that whether a government is "legitimate" or not is up to the UN Security Council...


Anonymous said...

Well ya know,new world order and all that crap. At least we'll know who to aquire in the sights when we see em coming....


The Old Man said...

I have layed in a supply of popcorn in anticipation of your maceration. By Monday I expect complete disarray followed by UN posturing and stern letters. A classic unfolding before us.

WV - "jawjomat" - Atlanta laundry?

McVee said...

If O's 1st term continues down this path it's beginning to look like 2011 may be the year France regains superpower status... Whether intentional or not...Sarkozy/ France has been given an incredible promotion opportunity on a grand scale.
(Not saying it should all be on the US, but who would of thought France?)

Jay G said...

Didn't we bomb the hell outta this regime once already?

I seem to remember taking a bunch of flak about it at the time, too.

Then again, it might have had something to do with the bomb we "accidentally" dropped on the French embassy - after they refused us the right to fly over their airspace, that is...

Frank W. James said...

See this is where it gets 'sticky'. The rumor is Qaddafi gave Sarkozy a bunch of money when he first ran for Premier in France, otherwise he couldn't have won.

Aah, European affairs are entangled, aren't they?...

All The Best,
Frank W. James

McVee said...

Interesting... just announced that Libya has accepted the terms of the UN resolution and has announced a ceasefire... visions of a noose around His and His Son's neck perhaps... that was quick!

Boat Guy said...

Following that other bastion of respectability, the Arab League, by less than a week!
Perhaps in retaliation we could refuse the French overflight this time...

Borepatch said...

As a side note, I was completely unaware that whether a government is "legitimate" or not is up to the UN Security Council...

Actually, I think it's up to the UN Human Rights Commission. Which is weird, because Libya is on it.

Anthony said...

Just goes to show that the only difference between the One-World Socialists and the Right Wing Neocons is who's at the helm.

If the UN threatens that Obama will invade an oil-rich Middle Eastern country, it's a Victory for Freedom and World Peace.

A Bush invasion of an oil-rich Middle Eastern country, though, is Fascist Plutocratic Genocide.

Tam said...

I always thought it was actually up to whoever had the most guns on a given piece of real estate...

Drang said...


Anonymous said...

Meh. Call me back when somebody actually starts bombing something. Until then, it's Tom Sawyer on an international level:

"You're a liar!"

"You're another."

"You're a fighting liar and dasn't take it up."

"Aw -- take a walk!"

"Say -- if you give me much more of your sass I'll take and bounce a rock off'n your head."

"Oh, of COURSE you will."

"Well I WILL."

"Well why don't you DO it then? What do you keep SAYING you will for? Why don't you DO it? It's because you're afraid."

"I AIN'T afraid."

"You are."

"I ain't."

"You are."

And so forth.

Bram said...

I like how they waited until the rebels lost the revolution before jumping in. I knew it was a lost cause when Fox reported that the rebels were running out of ammo because they fired it up in the air.

Tam said...

Remember that Libyan armored divisions got beaten in stand-up set-piece fights by dudes in technicals and the recent events take on a whole new level of Keystone Kop-style farce...

Anonymous said...

Oh look now a cease fire...just like Iraq in '91. He makes nice-like as long as the world (i.e.; the US) has their eyes on him. Then when we get busy somewheres else, they die. Just like Iraq, Vietnam, Somalia, half-a- dozen other places across the tired old world, (yeah, I was in a couple myself). Any wonder nobody really likes Team USA anymore...

theirritablearchitect said...

Puts Barry in between a rock and a hard place too.


Außenseiter said...

As a side note, I was completely unaware that whether a government is "legitimate" or not is up to the UN Security Council.

Like you say, whoever has the most guns on a given piece of real estate. Permanent members of the UN SC are mostly countries that have relatively powerful militaries... and most of them do have well trained expeditionary forces.

You doubt the Frogs will wipe out Libyan airforce? People from Czechoslovakia trained Libyan pilots. They had to teach them how to read dials first...

They could also finally send the 2nd foreign parachute regiment against a real enemy. They're based in Corsica, which is just 1500 km away.. well within airdrop range, and are supposed to be somewhat expendable.

My grandfather went there on commie business, some cultural nonsense. Gypsy music performers that accompanied the delegation were disgusted with how Libya looked.
In case you don't know about gypsies, that's bit like saying cockroaches found some kitchen too messy for their liking.

Aah, European affairs are entangled, aren't they?...

I wouldn't bet on that. Sarkozy is on (leaked) record complaining how awful it is to interact with Arab heads of state...
Besides, he's pro business. Doubt he'd need foreign cash. Then, Graf von Googleberg didn't need a PhD either, so who knows. People do stupid stuff all the time.

Anonymous said...

The UN is a joke. I say we kick all those people out of our country and turn the building in to a roller derby hall or an awesome paintball facility.

Tam said...


"You doubt the Frogs will wipe out Libyan airforce?"

Where did I say that? The Frogs have easily the fourth or fifth most potent military on the planet and better force-projection abilities than anybody but the US or the Russians.

Meanwhile Libya can't beat Chad.

Anonymous said...

Send the Eygptians. They must have some decent fighter bombers after having to rebuild their airforce several times in the last 50 years.


Tam said...


They've also spanked Libya relatively recently.

I mean, seriously, the Libyan military has, in the past 40 years, proven itself unable to defeat Sudan, Egypt, Chad, and Libya.

Sean said...

I'd guess there's some security briefing that has assessed the probability of a terrorist action against NATO in response to "foreign intervention" in Libya.

Bubblehead Les. said...

All I know is, that after all the Hard Work BHO has spent on building World Peace these last few days, he is taking a well deserved rest for a week in Latin America with his fellow members of the Che Guevera Fan Club, and is letting Hillary handle the Int'l scene for a while. After all, it doesn't look good to Code Pink, The Huffington Post, and other Commie Allies of yours when you have to sit in the Oval Office and try to sell the American People on why you are sending their Sons and Daughters into Harm's Way to take out a Evil, Corrupt Arab Terrorist Dictator JUST LIKE BUSH DID! So instead of Manning Up and Taking any Heat, he'll just run and hide from being the Commander-in-Chief, and blame it all on someone else, as usual. Guess he's about as far away from the Stress of the Middle East and Japan as one can get w/o putting on Long Johns and feeding the Penguins!

Anonymous said...

Maybe, while everyone has their panties in a twist over radiation leaks from Japan, no one will notice a sudden increase in "radiation leakage" in several middle eastern countries.

I'm just sayin'....

Paul said...

Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2 all had more on the ball that the present poser in chief.

I hear the when the french ask hilary when we were going to do something, she said there where issues at the home office.

The next 2 years are going to be really rough.

Anonymous said...

The UN might be thinking that since the frogs did such a "marvelous" colonial job in other parts of northern Africa, that they figured that they were just the people to deal with Libya.

Hope they have insurance on the Charles de Gaulle.

Anonymous said...

I remember that.

I’m sure the White House Diplomatic Rapid Deployment Force (WHDRPF) will suggest it to the Egyptians when they get to Cairo in a month or so.

They should be set sail down the Chesapeake Bay any day now.


atlharp said...

Wow, this has got to be a "winning the future" moment. I want to see what the antiwar left is gonna do about this. Let's go down the check list for their reasons for protesting:

1. Tyrannical Dictator? Check.

2. Presence of Oil? Check.

3. Country's inhabitants have one helluva tan? Check.

Wow, looks like they are good to go. Now all they have to do is pull out of Wisconsin and they are on their way!

Tam said...

Yeah, I noticed the distinct lack of any Abraham Lincoln Brigade... ;)

Anonymous said...

Protect the flow of dead dinosaurs by whatever means necessary, and let allah sort out the rest.

Then blame it on Bush.


Stuart the Viking said...

Just like the UN. It's all "The US sucks this, and the US sucks that" until they need to kick some ass, then it's all "Hey US, Go beat up the bad guys for us". Like we are their bitch or something. All on our own dime to boot. Screw that bullshit.


perlhaqr said...

Anyone happen to know if the rebels in Libya are anyone we'd actually want running a country, or just more Bruslim Motherhood pukes?

Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

Interesting side note, that. The U.N. "Security" council could conceivably declare OUR government "illegitimate". What then? Install their puppet tyranny? NOT ON MY WATCH!

Only those governed get to decide their government is illegitimate. THAT'S why we hang on to the 2A, and our guns!

Bubblehead Les. said...

Update: Hillary will be doing a "Paris in the Springtime" Saturday Meeting to "Co-ordinate Policy with our Allies", and Barry will be "Flying down to Rio". So whoever is running our Foreign Policy based on old Movie Music, does this mean Joe "I have worse Hair than Donald Trump" Biden will be minding the store humming "If I Only Had a Brain"?

Kristophr said...

Wag the dog ...

If that idjit was going to do it, it should have been done a month ago.

Anonymous said...

BHO is too out in left field to take any credit for having the testosterone to stop momar the moron from mass slaughter. Who is the U.N. a toothless liberal bunch who spend other counties money on living lavish lifestyles in New York. New World Order?? It.s just the same old progressive socialists wanting more than thier share of the wealth. Time WE ( usa) ran the bastards out of OUR county.The Chosen one can not possably start another war cause Hillary has his Testicals!!!

Rob said...

Interesting side note, that. The U.N. "Security" council could conceivably declare OUR government "illegitimate".

No, they couldn't, because we have a permanent seat on the council along with veto power.

Anonymous said...

I agree, it's time we stopped hogging all the glory of hosting the UN. It's time to show the rest of the world that we want to allow them to be full participants in world government. Let's see how all those pukes like living in Moscow or Bejing.

Ritchie said...

"Interesting side note, that. The U.N. "Security" council could conceivably declare OUR government "illegitimate". "
"Each of us would have to shoot twice." Some of us, anyway.

Borepatch said...

Bubblhead Les said:

After all, it doesn't look good to Code Pink, The Huffington Post, and other Commie Allies of yours when you have to sit in the Oval Office and try to sell the American People on why you are sending their Sons and Daughters into Harm's Way to take out a Evil, Corrupt Arab Terrorist Dictator JUST LIKE BUSH DID! So instead of Manning Up and Taking any Heat, he'll just run and hide from being the Commander-in-Chief, and blame it all on someone else, as usual.


He does use the term "enemies", but not in this context.

Borepatch said...

Regarding the fragmentation of nations along ethnic (and in Libya's case, tribal) lines, as well as the failure of modern "collective" action (EU/UN), this is pretty interesting.

And Austro-Hungarian! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Crotalus - The U.N. "Security" council could conceivably declare OUR government "illegitimate".

Didn't the dems want them to do that a few years back? Or was it just to have Bush, Cheney, Rummy and a few others arrested, tried and hanged as war criminals?

Come to think of it, I think they DID want the UN to declare Bush's election "illegitimate" because of the SCOTUS / Florida mess.

Ritchie - "Each of us would have to shoot twice." Some of us, anyway.

Do I detect a certain (ahem) eagerness? Or, at the very least, willingness?

If so...


Anonymous said...

I love Tom Lehrer

word verification: wayer. As in he's wayer cool than you.

Anonymous said...

Then, there's Tom Lehrer:

Boyd K said...

I wish we had adopted Tams take on this as official policy, stuck Hillary in a corner with sock in her mouth, and gone along our way. Yes, Quadaffi (whatever) has been a force for badness since the 70's but we have a plate -full- of "our military will help" and to many handsfull of sand to the face. Why keep volunteering? The French can knock on Boeings door and buy their own cruise missiles.

Anonymous said...

Maybe putting Joe Biden in charge of battle tactics wasn't such a great move after all...