Wednesday, August 01, 2012


In a weaselly attempt to get business back from online ammunition dealers like Brownells or LuckyGunner, Texas gun store owner Jeremy Alcede goes on the radio supporting a ban on online ammunition sales.

Dear Jeremy Alcede of Tactical Firearms, Katy, TX: I hope you freeze in the dark, you gutless quisling punk.

When your children are crying "Daddy, why are we on food stamps?" you can tell them "It's because your Daddy was a selfish, pusillanimous sellout who put his personal bottom line ahead of the Bill of Rights, kids, and so nobody would buy anything from his store ever again."

Be sure and spread the word.


Knitebane said...

Over on his Facebook page he's backpedaling and insisting that he didn't mean it.

Tam said...

"Over on his Facebook page he's backpedaling and insisting that he didn't mean it."

Of course he is. Like he was going to take a stand? ;)

Keads said...

Done! I would say something over on his FB page but I deleted my account over there last week.

Knitebane said...

At least he's smart enough to know that he's done something stupid.

AuricTech said...

Sounds like Jeremy forgot to read his Kipling this morning.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Thank You. Now on my "Do Not Buy From" List.

Robert Fowler said...

"Give then this and they will be happy"? What planet is this asshat from? The gun haters have stated many times that they will have to do this one small step at a time. Everyone knows that if the gun haters had their way we would be disarmed before the sun went down.

Some people are a waste of air, this is one of them.

Charlie Foxtrot said...

Apparently, there's been a Tamalanche, and the gutless quisling punk's (damn, she's got a way with the snark) website is down.

Doom and unmitigated failure to the pinhead. Hope he enjoys on his 30 pieces of silver.

Firehand said...

Somehow, I don't think he's enjoying much of anything right now

Anonymous said...

He's the gun rights equivalent of a concentration camp kapo who makes a deal in the hope they'll kill him last. You'd think they would have learned from previous gun company heads who supported gun control.

Timmeehh said...

Gun control is like cancer. If you let them have a little bit, it will just keep growing until the whole body is destroyed.

NotClauswitz said...

Done, and to help the today-kiddies who suffer from a shortage of learning, I included a list of synonyms: apostate, backstabber, betrayer, double-crosser, double-dealer, Judas, traitor, recreant, serpent, snake, turncoat.
Related Words: accommodationist, collaborationist, collaborator, sellout, subversive, subverter; coconspirator, conspirator, intriguer, plotter, schemer; defector, deserter, renegade; blabbermouth, gossip, gossiper, gossipmonger, informant, informer, rat, rumormonger, snitch, snitcher, squealer, stool pigeon, talebearer, talker, tattler, tattletale, telltale.

Bob in Houston said...

Hell I'm in Houston and pretty much always buy my ammo at the local funshows but I sure as hell will never buy a thing from that sombrero of asshats.

Old NFO said...

He saw dollar signs... THAT was his motivation, and I hope he chokes on it!

Buzz said...

You misunderstood; he was talking about the roads.

Unknown said...

reminds me years ago the largest gun store in town tried to get gun shows banned because it was hurting their bottom line

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Passed along on the Faced Book.

Gnarly Sheen said...

I'm sure Lowe's supports closing Home Depot.

Frank W. James said...

Could he become the 21st Century equivalent of a Quisling?...

All The Best,
Frank W. James

Anonymous said...

We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.

Something those in favor of "common sense" gun control would do well to remember.

Bob in Houston - that sombrero of asshats.

You'll forgive me, I hope, but I'm stealing that.

The Freeholder said...

Sucks to be him in 3...2...1...

God, Gals, Guns, Grub said...

Dang Tam... nobody says it better...

Dann in Ohio

pdb said...

Don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again. Ever.

Joseph said...

This douche-bag owns a monkey, further confirming my assertion that only the worst kind of asshole owns a monkey as a pet.

kx59 said...

Tactical Firearms is in my backyard. I shot there not to long ago.
Prepare for the flamethrower to come out over at BAR. I'm going to put th word out on the Billyjoe Flowers email network as well.

R. Douglas said...

I put in my $0.02 view web page comment...I have a feeling his inbox will be weeks in getting un-buried. :)

rickn8or said...

"reminds me years ago the largest gun store in town tried to get gun shows banned because it was hurting their bottom line."

Eddie-- same guy maybe?

Motor-T said...

This guy isn't that big. And somehow, I don't think he's getting bigger.

RabidAlien said...

The closest I'll ever get to Katy Texass is Conroe (wife's uncle and grandmother live there), but regardless, unless there's some serious damage control and a complete change of heart convincing enough to make Chuck Norris himself weep a single tear from its sincerity, I'll not be darkening their doorstep. Plenty of other gun shops in the Houston area!

Tim Ellwood said...

Years ago I worked at a gun shop in Orlando, the owner was a "garage dealer" until he retired from the PD and opened a shop, 1 year after he opened it he started a "stocking dealers association" His main thrust was to put a little distributor down the road who sold to anyone with a ffl (including him when he was still in his garage)out of bizz. RSR is still in bizz and doing great, he sold the gun shop after a few years.
People forget quick where they come from.

TotC said...

Done, and even though he backpedaled, he didn't have the courage of his conviction and instead went all mealy mouthed. I have more respect for the gun grabbers. At least they don't switch positions when the heat is on.

Scott J said...

Emailed to Mike V. and David C. Thought they'd enjoy the online lynching of a Tory.

Anonymous said...

Derptastic. What a douche. I have a rancher friend in Katy, I will Definately pass this on to him to disseminate to all of his friends as well.

That Guy said...

Done. Word has been spread.

What an Ijit.

Grumpy Old Fart said...

Dear Jeremy Alcede of Tactical Firearms, Katy, TX: I hope you freeze in the dark, you gutless quisling punk.

Sorry to dash your hopes, but there is zero chance of him freezing in Katy, TX. Not unless someone shoves him into a cooler somewhere.

Brandon said...

Disgusting man. Living in the Houston area, I've dealt with this company before. Never again.

Anonymous said...

His middle name wouldn't be Ruger?


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, straight to the "naughty" list...

JFP said...

"reminds me years ago the largest gun store in town tried to get gun shows banned because it was hurting their bottom line"

One of the gun counter guys at a local sports/fishing/gun store told me a few months ago that they hated that the local gun show was 5 minutes from their store at first but they end up getting a fair amount of business from folks who go to the show and then head over to them because of cheaper prices.

Unknown said...

Alcede has joined an esteemed rank of sellout colleagues - Carter and Pruitt

.45ACP+P said...

I am glad not to have his store anywhere near me. Did you see how many of the "employees" are sweeping each other in the picture on their website? Yee Gods! Idiocy on many levels.

Mike in KY said...

Well, I am going to personally bookmark Tactical Firearms' website on every computer I use. That way I'll see it pop up every time I bring up the "gun stuff" folder so I can consciously not give them my business. Heh. So, take that, Jerry.

Anonymous said...

A link will appear, shortly!


NotClauswitz said...

Doesn't he remember Zumbo?

Commander_Zero said...

The spirit of Billy Ruger walks among us!

Jim said...


I'm just down the road, in Galveston. Good indoor range on this side of town is The Arms Room, I-45 S. at FM-646.

Definitely not a buncha Zumbo wannabees.

I'll be talking down Tactical Firearms at every opportunity, which is a dozen or more times a day.

Hell, I'll even wager that the bastard doesn't like Chick-Fil-A, for all the obvious reasons.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Anonymous said...

So I emailed the guy on his contact us section on his website and he replied, thought id share it fwiw

First, I want to get it out there that I DO NOT support an ammo sales ban. I am never comfortable with any idea that puts “firearms” or any “firearms related item” and “ban” in the same sentence. I am not a traitor to the 2nd Amendment. I believe all law abiding citizens should be able to possess as many firearms as they want. Fear is used as a tactic regularly and after the most recent scare with the UN Treaty, I must admit that I felt threatened. Threatened that they would sign something into law that banned firearms and this ammo deal seemed like an easy compromise. Here, have the ammo deal but keep your eyes off of my guns.

My opinion on the online sales ban was clearly made out of being uneducated in the way that laws are passed. I honestly did not see an issue with banning online sales of ammo. I have never purchased ammo online, even before I opened this store 2 years ago, so I really didn’t think stopping online sales would be a big deal. I said “if you give them an inch, they will take a mile” and I truly did not believe that this was giving them anything. The phone calls and emails that I have received have told me a completely different story. The outraged citizens that heard my radio interview and took the time to call or email to voice their opinion, also took the time to talk to me, to explain to me where I am missing the point. I had no idea how passing something into law works and how allowing online sales to be banned opens the door for that law to be amended to change the type of ammo, or the amount, or caliber… the list goes on and on.

When the comments and emails started coming in after the interview I definitely did not understand the anger. Some people claimed my statement was based on greed, based on profit- and this is absolutely not the case. My prices are competitive with online pricing and in most cases after shipping I beat online prices. I do not gouge our customers like some have speculated. Tactical Firearms is the largest class III dealer in the US, 1 of 3 master distributors of Fiocchi Ammunition, and I strive to offer the best customer service to everyone that walks through the doors. My business runs on volume and the prices are set to drive that volume. My opinion was not formed from fear of competition but the lack of experience with purchasing ammo online and the lack of knowledge of politics.

I am all about protecting our rights, including our right to privacy. When they passed the law that requires the Southern states to file multi-rifle reports I upgraded our FFL to become a manufacturer so that, by law, I was not required to file those reports anymore. I was contacted by the ATF and asked if I would please still file them as a courtesy and I let them know that it wasn’t going to happen.

I have posted contact information for our local government on our Facebook page and urged our customers to contact them and fight for our rights. The idea that anyone believes that I support anything anti-gun is heartbreaking but this experience has certainly opened my eyes and I have learned a lot in these past 24 hours. I see it now. I feel foolish for thinking there was such thing as compromising in this regard. Matt Patrick with 740 AM has invited me back on the show tomorrow morning 8/3/2012 to clear the air.

Jeremy Alcede

Anonymous said...

Don't be fooled this guy also was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. He stuck a gun in an unarmed man's chest. He also suppose to be a 15 year veteran of law enforcement and prior military which few truly believe. If you served that long in law enforcemnt and still don't understand politics and how laws are formed? This guy is full of lies. Two faced idiot.

Anonymous said...

Shades of the old S&W controversy. I guess it's been long enough that people don't remember that one anymore.

Bear said...

I see from "voicesofinsanity"s comment that I'm not the only one getting that form response.

Great Ghu...

He opposes ammo sales bans... but supported the online/mail order ammo sales ban... because even though he's in the firearms business he had no idea that there was any real online/mail order market for ammo.

He doesn't think we should compromise with banners... except when the compromise doesn't hurt his business. And supports the 2nd amendment... except that limiting ammo sales and and requiring ID and background checks for ammo sales is cool.

He wasn't taking the pro-ban position for business or greed reasons... it just would have let him move into the bulk ammo sales market in his shop.

He felt threatened by the flopped-for-now ATT, so he folded on ammo sales.

He has no idea how passing laws works, so he went on the air to advocate passing a law.

Then there's the "new law" on multiple long arm sales reporting that he claims he proudly evaded by changing his FFL status.

He might as well get Lon Horiuchi to give him an endorsement.

Anonymous @ 7:57 PM: I still remember S&W. And my position is still that when S&W went bankrupt and the new holders bought the company and its reputation they bought all that reputation, bad as well as good. If they ever apologized, they did it in such a low profile fashion that I never saw it.

Earl said...

Well, he did try to send out his point to all that contacted him, so I got my copy of the form letter, I replied with good thoughts and I mentioned the nose of the camel coming into the tent.

Like professional killer Lon Horiuchi he can be remembered long after I forget his business and name by people I trust saying bad things about him.

And yes, Lon thinks he was a pretty good professional. He did miss the baby.

Scott J said...

More grist for this mill:

IronKnight said...

I live close to this place and have been there a couple of times. They were in the news not that long ago when the dad left his kids in the car and went heater viewing.

They are over priced when compared to local competition, let alone the internet.
But hey, at least I don't feel guilty for not going there to support local business.

Grog said...

The azzhat deserves what's in his future.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lol, I know, right! it was a big misunderstanding.

Anonymous said...

Exactly right, he's just backpedaling and acting stupid! It feels good knowing he's probably reading all of our comments.

Anonymous said...

I buy at tactical. They are close and do transfers at a reasonable price. I have bought a few "new" guns from them but rarely.

Their ammo is expensive in my opinion. I can see his point of no online sales because it hurts his business.

One comment on tactical. When you go there they have anywhere from 4 to 8 guys "salesman" standing around playing with the guns and BS-ing all the time. It is difficult to get quick and helpful service.

Bottom line is Jeremy said what he probably believes and believes it would help his company. Can't fault him for being honest. I am not sure why he backpedaled it though. He should have just stood pat on his opinion.

Tam said...

Anon 8:59,

"Can't fault him for being honest."


I can sure fault him for being honest and admitting that stripping you of your Second Amendment rights would help line his wallet.

Fuck him. Fuck him right in the ear.

Windy Wilson said...

If he really were smart he would have known not to say anything in support of this anti-liberty idea.
What blather he says now is damage control so he doesn't lose his business and have to go on food stamps or work for someone else.
I would be upset if he were my local ffl, but sacrifices would have to be made; I'd adapt to driving further to shop at a ffl who supported liberty.