Monday, July 15, 2019

How I Spent My Weekend...

Spent the weekend at Deer Creek Conservation Club up in the Greater Gas City-Marion Metropolitan Axis taking a pair of one-day classes from Scott Jedlinski of Modern Samurai Project.

Day One was "AIWB Concealed: The Path to Performance", and Day Two was a 1-day version of his  red dot pistol class.

I haven't done any serious shooting (especially from the holster) for way too long and it showed. I haven't had this much of a "drinking from the fire hose" feeling since Todd's Speed Kills/Get SOM weekend back years ago. Scott's a talented and introspective shooter and a good coach; I'll be doing a detailed writeup of the class soon.

Anyway, I learned a ton, and I need to start incorporating things I learned into my own practice...and I need to get back to doing at least some practicing. These skills ain't gonna just ingrain themselves.