Friday, September 06, 2019

Language Policing

Last month, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to institute a new "person first" language policy in their jails, courts, and law enforcement agencies:
"Going forward, what was once called a convicted felon or an offender released from jail will be a “formerly incarcerated person,” or a “justice-involved” person or simply a “returning resident.”

Parolees and people on criminal probation will be referred to as a “person on parole,” or “person under supervision.”
The same Board of Supervisors recently passed another resolution, regarding the NRA, declaring it a terrorist organization:
"Nor is the resolution isolated to NRA leadership. While it states that the leadership “promotes extremist positions, in defiance of the views of a majority of its membership,” it also states that “any individual or member of an organization” commits a terrorist act by giving support to a group that this person “reasonably should know” gives “material support” to any “individual [who] has committed or plans to commit a terrorist act.” It closes the noose around NRA members’ necks by stating that the NRA “promote[s] gun ownership and incite[s] gun owners to acts of violence.” Congratulations, average NRA member: Your $30 one-year membership makes you a terrorist."
Point of Order: By the San Francisco Board of Supervisors own "person first" language edict, I am not a terrorist, I am a "terror-involved individual".