The predicted snowfall for the front that passed through from Wednesday afternoon to Christmas Eve morning gradually ramped up from "maybe some wintry mix" to "three inches of sticking snow"...and then suddenly evaporated to nothing.
Wednesday morning the nice meteorologist sounded sad when she informed us that there wouldn't be a white Christmas after all. All the moisture in the front would have passed through before the temperature dropped in the wake of its passage. Cold air, yes, but dry. No snow.
However late last night a localized flurry seems to have wandered past and deposited a dusting. Not a real snowfall. Not even really enough to take a broom to the walks (especially since it's, like, 11º fondly Fahrenheit out there right now,) but enough to look scenic on roofs and trees.
It's still not technically a white Christmas though. It turns out there's a definition for that, and it requires an inch of snow on the ground, which this ain't.