Thursday, April 06, 2023

Reminder: Your Car is Not a Gun Safe

From The Tactical Professor:
In other relevant gunowner news, 217 guns have been stolen from cars in Nashville so far this year. ... That is 76% of the guns stolen in Davidson County, the county Nashville is located in.

If this rate continues, more than 1,000 guns will be stolen from cars in Nashville alone in 2023. Some of them will end up involved in criminals activities. This one is a no-brainer; don’t leave unsecured guns in your car. If you have to leave a gun in your car when you go to work or other prohibited places, get a car safe and use it. And certainly, don’t leave your gun in your car outside your home at night.
Every time someone brings this up, there's a certain coterie of gun owners who get all assmad and complain that they should be able to leave their guns anywhere! It's the thieves' fault for taking them! Et cetera and whatever!

Yeah, in a perfect, criminal-free world you shouldn't have to take any precautions like not leaving your gun in your car. Sure.

Of course in a perfect, criminal-free world you wouldn't need to carry a gun in the first place, so I know that their little brains can grasp the concept of "taking precautions", it's just that they apply it really selectively.

I guess you can't show off pictures of your car safe or lockbox collection to your friends on the forums.

(You ain't gotta spend a hojillion bucks on some hard-mounted biometric rapid access swoopy monstrosity. Daytime smash and grab dudes are in a hurry; they want to grab as much stuff in as little time as possible. A securely cabled lockbox is ninety percent gonna send them on to the next vehicle for easier pickings. Just pick a size that will accommodate your holstered pistol. Excess drawing and holstering is when unwanted loud noises happen.)
