Saturday, April 22, 2023

Snoozy Cat

Holden is a world champion napper.

If you give Huck a little nudge while he’s sleeping on the couch or the bed, he’ll wake up and move. But Holden? You have to pick him up and physically move him, and he may or may not wake up while you’re doing it.

In fact, Holden is remarkably resistant to chivvying, nudging, or shooing whether he's awake or asleep. 

If Huck is in your way in the kitchen or hall, you can nudge him with your toe and he'll get out of the way. With Holden? As often as not, if you nudge him with your toe he won't budge; he'll plant his feet and you'll wind up having to physically move him with your foot with all four paws sliding across the tile while the cat looks indignant. Holden figures he has as much right to be there as you do.
