So, (
whose complaint department may be reached at or 650.655.3104) notified me that my artwork was inappropriate. Rather than being
legitimate parody and
political satire in the middle of a crucial and hotly-contested election year, they said it infringed on trademarks and copyrights and caused the heartbreak of psoriasis. Well, actually not
all my graphics were bad, just
some of them.
Care to guess
which some?

(In case you can't tell, CafePress outlines the pulled graphics in red.)
Anybody want to bet that there aren't many McCain voters there?
UPDATE: Can't stOp the signal.
UPDATE 2: Why, if I didn't know better, I'd say that the Obama campaign wanted me to use their logo, since they
make it available for frickin' public download.
You can’t just go around using Change® without permission!
I must admit my obliviousness to advertising and the trade marks by which our meretricious media attempt to influence us.
Does that round symbol of soft lines represent something else?
I'd guess the excuse was that the Obama logo was actually, you know, *designed* for the race, while the McCain logo is a piece of clipart slapped on top of his name. To be honest, it was shocking that was actually *really* the McCain logo -- eek! (is he trying to lose?)
All that said... I suspect you're right, and whoever the minion was combing the stores felt all kinds of moral indignation seeing their Beloved O mishandled in such a way.
That said, unless CafePress has improved by leaps and bounds since I tried 'em a few years back, it's just as well. Their shirt quality was *horrid* - by "T shirt" they meant "cheapest men's undershirt we could find with a fuzzy iron-on slapped haphazardly across the front."
Thankfully, there's lot of other options. Not used any of the following myself, but it's a place to start looking:
Does that round symbol of soft lines represent something else?
Our salvation!
Joking aside, I'd see if wants a piece of the action.
According to CafePress, they've sent out my stickers and gave me a UPS tracking number. However, the UPS tracking number gives me "information unavailable."
Will I receive the stickers? It's a mystery!
Phew! Just as I was wondering if my stickers would actually get sent, CafePress sends an email that my order just shipped.
Have you considered
Just checked and supposedly my sticker order has shipped also.
Now if I had only ordered more....
I'm giving a vote to That's what our Italian Fest team has used for the past two years for our tee shirts, and they're really good quality, fast service, and good customer service.
CafePress is a smarmy Liberal conclave that bans things that offend THEM, not necessarily their customers.
Or maybe they just don't want to take a chance on ticking off their Messiah.
It's just as well, because the quality at Cafepress is oh-so-great.
The only thing I ever got from them that was decent was a mug, which actually lasted through dishwashing. Their shirts are nothing I can't accomplish with T-shirt transfers at home. And much better.
I warned you. :)
Did you get the newer transparent logo to work?
Garbage. I meant enclave.
Michelle Malkin had the original Snob stuff pulled because it used the same Obama logo. They just made one that looked close enough to be recognized as a parody.
Oh that is *SUCH* a crock! Cafépress just made my Naughty List.
They seem to have no issue with a reworked version of his logo...I kinda like the idea of incorporating the Islamic crescent/star imagery into his logo.
I really liked the 'No Change' one.
I think it is just your use of the icon. Seems they have no problem selling anti-Obama stuff:
I'm sorry, I love both of these and anything else in the same vein. But then I'm feeling awfully ornery.
Don't get me wrong - In my ongoing battle of "None Of The Above" plague-o-both-your-houses-itis that I've got, I'm veering more Obamoid than McCain, for reasons which are none of anyone else's damn business. But for a shop to be partisan like that is just crappy beyond measure.
Cafepress did the same to me, explaining that the copyright holder (Obama's campaign...) objected to my use of the logo which I had had some fun with. I argued Fair Use and they would have none of it. What's left is at
Not sure what may happen to the CheBama hats
What use "in commerce" does the Obama organization make of this logo that allows it trademark protection?
Anon: Soliciting for donations?
Revgreg: that link is busted (for me, at least) - can you post one that works?
I think Hillary's constituency should file a Class Action suit against Obama. Senator Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro can be the named plaintiffs, representing their huddled masses. After all, they have all long since gone through The Change. In addition, Hillary wants all of The Change in my pockets, because I might not spend it wisely enough. That's Spare Change!
Who is Obama to hijack the phrase?
BTW, The heirs of Che Guevara should also be suing Obama for trademark infringement. If they follow in their beloved father's footsteps, though, it'll get ugly. He didn't sue people he didn't like...
Obama has also latched onto the word, "Hope". I thought ex-prez Bill was the man from "Hope". Maybe the Clinton Foundation should sue the Obama campaign.
That would be change: wealth redistribution of a whole 'nother sort. If we could get the trial lawyers divided amongst themselves, the nation may stand a bit longer.
I ordered mine early this am & got a message it was shipping.
Man, I hope so- that's going to look great on the pickup...
By downloading the Obama for America ("OFA") logo from this site, you agree that you will use the logo only for your personal, non-commercial use. You cannot market, promote, sell, or exchange anything that bears this logo. To avoid having to register with the FEC, you should limit your printed flyers, posters, or other materials for any event to 500 or fewer.
Yeah, not like they spelled out the rules in advance or anything.
The obvious solution is to just spend 2 minutes and make one that is close enough to convey the message while playing within the rules...or spend the millions of bucks to buy one of our public servants to tilt the playing field in your favor. Your choice.
Been through this already -- a couple months ago. I posted the back and for forth correspondence which clearly shows how Cafepress is basing their decision on bias, not the law. Disgusting responses.
I worked for days on these designs and was shocked when they were pulled almost immediately after the first sale.
T-Shirts We Can Believe In: those are very kewl designs. Have you thought about producing them through Zazzle or some other vendor? I'd buy a bunch.
(I'm buying a bunch of Tam's, too. Tam, could we please get the original "No Thanks, Keep the Change" in a bumper sticker also?
I'll get on it. :)
Wow, tam: you're getting an Instalanche! Good for you!
Somebody throw those graphics up on their facebook page. There's no way to stop them once they're released on there.
Those are fantastic.
Read the fine print.
By downloading the Obama for America ("OFA") logo from this site, you agree that you will use the logo only for your personal, non-commercial use. You cannot market, promote, sell, or exchange anything that bears this logo. To avoid having to register with the FEC, you should limit your printed flyers, posters, or other materials for any event to 500 or fewer.
My God, man, didn't you get THE MEMO?
"...didn't you get THE MEMO?"
I thought Ba®a©k registered all of them separately.
Faith® Hope® Change®
>>>T-Shirts We Can Believe In: those are very kewl designs. Have you thought about producing them through Zazzle or some other vendor? I'd buy a bunch.
(I'm buying a bunch of Tam's, too. Tam, could we please get the original "No Thanks, Keep the Change" in a bumper sticker also?
I tried selling through Zazzle -- and they didn't block the t-shirts -- but I think something is wrong. In the month that I tried Zazzle, I never got credit for a sale. I even bought one myself to test zazzle and it never registered.
Perhaps I should make them myself and sell them out of the house.
"I'm buying a bunch of Tam's, too. Tam, could we please get the original "No Thanks, Keep the Change" in a bumper sticker also?"
It's done.
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