"Kitty lives overseas, and has to work in a sweatshop for Kathy Lee Gifford. Won't you please give to the Legless Kitty Fund?"
Sorry, old inside joke from back when me and Marko were roomies. Mittens always used to sit around the apartment like this (which was where the gag line above came from,) but this was the first time I've seen Random Numbers in the "Gear Up" pose for more than two minutes that I can recollect. She even just sat there and held the pose while I fumbled about trying to get fresh batteries in the camera, then didn't even budge when I botched the first flash photo and had to take a second. That's probably the most relaxed that that psychotic and high-strung little critter has ever been in her life...
I just finished a novel in which this pose was called the "meatloaf pose".
By the way, I really enjoy your blog, even though one can probably feel the breeze of all the gun info sailing over my head all the way to the Atlantic coast(I live in Las Vegas, NV)!
Your cat may like these guys...
Our cat knows the sounds of the camera being readied, so she always gets out of whatever adorable position she's in before we can get a shot off.
Didn't keep me from getting a video of her chasing a toy down the stairs at our new place for the first time... I didn't know a cat could run into a door so fast that her butt flies up and smacks it, but I guess you learn something new every day...
Sorry, I've been moving for a week and this is my first chance at interweb access. I'm catching up.
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