Saturday, November 23, 2019

Social media helps you connect.

If you're into shooting, social media can help you connect with other people who are into shooting. If you're into Japanese funny books, social media can help you connect with other people who are into Japanese funny books. If you're a furry, social media can help you find other furries.

And if you're a credulous moron, social media can hook you up with other credulous morons:
"And Davidson quickly found a large online community believing the same thing. "I thought doing a conference would just take it to the next stage where the media and the world will look at it and say, 'wait a minute -- something must be going on. This is not just some internet fad, or a bunch of crazy people online. They're now meeting in buildings.'"

He has a few things he wants to make clear to a flat-Earth novice. Firstly, and most importantly -- "none of us believe that we're a flying pancake in space." The community merely believes that space does not exist, the world sits still and the moon landing was faked. The jury is out on gravity -- but as Davidson notes, no one has ever seen it.

Secondly -- no, you won't fall off the edge. While flat Earthers' views of the world vary, most believe the planet is a circular disk with Antarctica acting as an ice wall barrier around the edge.
Oh, fer... If you can't get a transcontinental commercial flight, then one on a clear day over the Great Plains will do. Get a window seat and observe the curvature of the earth yourself from FL350. No need to listen to any "commie scientists" or "lying astronauts".