Shots showing any kind of action are hard to get. This Harley rider gunned it around a car that was dawdling while making a right on 54th, so the panning shot conveys a little bit of motion.
Maybe the Yamaha pilot here felt sorry for me and decided to do some icy hot stuntin'...
On a sunny day like this I can use the little 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6G zoom on the Nikon D700 and have ample reach to shoot anywhere around the intersection. That Harley is shot from the Twenty Tap patio, diagonally across the intersection, at 200mm and didn't even require much cropping.
I love the lens because it's so compact; not much bigger than the 85mm f/1.8 AF-D prime. Part of the reason for its compactness is that it doesn't have a built-in autofocus motor, so it focuses too slow to be ideal for action photography (and is manual-focus only on the consumer-tier D3xxx and D5xxx bodies, which lack internal focus motors), but its optics are more than adequate for the 12MP sensors in my old D700 and D3.