Beretta 96D and Beretta Airlight pocket knife. (Note the clever placement of other "Beretta Lifestyle" items in the photo. The
Books. Bikes. Boomsticks.
“I only regret that I have but one face to palm for my country.”
Yet even though there are more than 11,000 people a year murdered by guns here in the U.S., more guns are more easily available then ever before.Ken, this is bovine exhaust of the first order; how you can repeat it with a straight face is lost on me. The fact is this: Buying a gun has become more and more difficult over the years in this country, not easier. At no time in this nation's history has buying a firearm been more of a pain in the butt. If the intimidating "pro-gun lobby" has all the politicos in DC shaking under their beds, then how come every law those politicos have passed has been to make it harder to buy a gun, not easier?
"That trust was shattered Saturday morning, when Huff opened fire in a house full of ravers dressed like zombies in dark clothing and pale makeup, killing six of them and injuring two."
The gun industry is catering to women with everything from more girly guns and apparel to all-female hunting trips and free ladies nights at the range. It's clear the feminine touch is adding up to big business.Why is it that when some bright spark in the marketing department at Apple, Cannondale, or Pontiac notices that slightly more than 50% of the planet's population is setters rather than pointers, it gets two column inches on page 24 of the WSJ, but when their counterpart at Remington or Smith & Wesson does likewise, it calls for a panting TeeWee news spot from ABC? Build a Saturn that has room to stow a purse in the front passenger compartment, and nobody notices. Make a SIG small enough to fit in that purse, and shoulders get dislocated in newsrooms across America as folks reach for dusty tomes by Freud. Weird.
"If you look at statistics, there are more crimes of passion committed by men than there are women," said Sandra Froman, president of the NRA. "But I say that everyone has their emotions, and one of the things you learn when you take firearms classes is you learn to control your emotions."
But not everyone is convinced encouraging women to carry a gun is a good idea. According to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, it's at least 20 times more likely that you'll use your weapon to shoot someone in your home rather than using it to protect yourself from an intruder.Fact check on Aisle Five, please. Where in heck is this data from? (Even leaving aside the fact that your attacker is very likely to be somebody you know, rather than a random stranger.) But again we have the implication that we chicks are just not to be trusted. Ask yourself this question: If you had a gun, would you just up and kill someone you love? No? Well then who in the hell are these putzes (putzii?) to claim that you are too flighty to resist the alien brain control waves emanating from an inanimate object?
"Every time you pull that trigger you feel that rush," she said....and a titillating quote to close on. Substitute "push that plunger", "heroin ring", and "smack-shooting" in the appropriate places, and you get the sort of message that the author of this steaming little pile was going for.
She's just what the gun industry is hoping will represent the next generation of pistol-packing women.
[A]ny person who knowingly engages in any activity in which a dog is left untethered and allowed to track and pursue any rabbit, hare, or fox and that results in the injury or death of the rabbit, hare, or fox is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for a period not to exceed 6 months, by a fine not to exceed $1,000, or by both that imprisonment and fine.As someone who lives in an old lakefront cottage and who is delighted when her feline companions discover a "self-propelled cat toy" and do what comes naturally, I'd like to remind Assemblywoman Hancock just why in the hell people started keeping dogs and cats in the first place. It's not because they look cute with painted toenails, honey; it's because they chase and kill the mice in our houses and the rabbits in our gardens.
"Your carry gun should be comforting, not comfortable." -Clint Smith
"It surely hasn’t made our streets safer. Instead, we have locked up literally millions of people…disproportionately people of color…who have caused little or no harm to others - wasting resources that could be used for counter-terrorism, reducing violent crime, or catching white-collar criminals."Now, by making sure to reference "people of color" (it's apparently worse to lock them up wrongly than it is people of little or no color) and "white-collar criminals", Walt's just flashing his Progressive gang signs; letting you know who he rolls with, so to speak. It doesn't change the underlying truth of his statement, though. You know what the difference is between the referenced "white-collar criminal" and the guy busted for selling a bag of weed? One of them was causing real, provable harm to other human beings without their consent, and it wasn't the one that reeks of patchouli, either.
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"The challenge is to live with interest. Unless one's fear is too great, which seems to be rather common among the worlds of man, one normally prefers that existence be interesting."