Saturday, May 26, 2012

Maybe this one will have SEAL sergeants in it, too!

So, allegedly the administration leaked classified info to filmmakers so they could do a movie about Operation Neptune Spear, one which will (purely coincidentally, of course) hit theaters the month before Election Day.

In the wake of the most accurate SEAL movie ever, this Hollywood effort is sure to be a hoot:
The misfits of SEAL Team 6, with the Troubled Rebel played by Charlie Sheen and the Brave Female SEAL played by Demi Moore, are energized by the arrival of a new commander, call sign "POTUS", played by Denzel Washington, who whips them into shape in preparation for leading them all on the mission of their lives.

Terrorists will tremble when they face the wrath of POTUS and SEAL Team 6!


Bob said...

You forgot the gay SEAL team member, played by Richard Simmons.

Tam said...

He's not a Hollywood trope. Yet.

Living in Babylon said...

The fucking propaganda machine has been left on for the whole 4 years, although admittedly they are now officially overclocking it.

can i get defragz pleez

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the 'corpseman' in case somebody gets a bullet in the shoulder.

Shrimp said...

I heard that the whole thing just got pushed back to December release by Sony, so all that classified info releasing will not make it into the theaters in time for the elections. We'll have to wait a whole 'nuther month to watch our President jump into Pakistan by himself, take out terrorists and the Big Laden himself while Team 6 piddles around outside looking for a way into the compound while accidentally taking out one of their own choppers with a carelessly handled thermite grenade. Or something like that.

Joe in PNG said...

Just wait until you see the epic kung-fu match between POTUS and Bin Laden, where OBL's crane style is nothing agains POTUS' Megabucks-fu.

George Groot said...

Seal Sergeants? I see what you did there.

Joel said...

You're all so cynical. I'm sure they know exactly what they're doing, and that political considerations or self-aggrandizement never once crossed any of their exulted minds.

I heard that on NPR so I know it's true.

azmountaintroll said...

I know you think you're joking, but think of what Hollywood would have done with "Air Force One" if Obama had been President at the time.

og said...

Amuses me no end how much someone who obviously hates the military so much loves to take credit for them doing their jobs.

Kristophr said...

Every man in DevGRU now has relatives at risk of terrorist attack.

Obama needs a blanket party.

Kristophr said...

Oh, and Larry's Monster Hunter Legion is available today as an eARC at Baen.

Time to load the iPad.

Mad Saint Jack said...

Looks like Act of Valor DVD release is June 5th.
Maybe some famous internet people should call for a buy-cott, with a side of ignore that noise over there...

Earl said...

I am with AM, but late since I went to the range and shot some rounds with my pistols.

Highest compliment paid to our real military heroes: We are going to have trouble finding good actors to play your pain and effort well enough for accuracy but not enough to turn away the audience.

There never is music playing when I sweat and grunt and work hard to kill and still stay alive... they have no idea.

Anonymous said...

Air Force One left me very proud of my country.
Then I remembered the President was Bill Clinton...

Bobby said...

So, With how anti-America most of Hollywood is, Think that leak had anything to do with how so many of the OBL raid guys are dead already?

Tam said...


" so many of the OBL raid guys are dead already?"

Really? When did that happen?!?