Thursday, May 03, 2012


The link at CNN said simply "Obama vows to 'finish the job'".

With visions of the U.S. economy hemorrhaging gouts of blood as it crawls grimly forward on its hands and knees and Barry stepping up behind it, rolling up his shirtsleeve as he contemplatively hefts a framing hammer, I clicked the link.

Turns out it was about Afghanistan.

I think it's telling that the only job I could foresee Obama talking about finishing is also the only one that I can see that he's really started.


Ritchie said...;_ylt=A0oGdXzSt6FPs0YA7IpXNyoA?p=neville+chamberlain&fr=moz35&fr2=piv-web

Anonymous said...

"With visions of the U.S. economy hemorrhaging gouts of blood as it crawls grimly forward on its hands and knees and Barry stepping up behind it, rolling up his shirtsleeve as he contemplatively..."

unbuckles his belt, crooning, "Relax, you should be used to it by now".

Phssthpok said...

"...rolling up his shirtsleeve as he contemplatively hefts a framing hammer..."

JUST a hammer?

elmo iscariot said...

"JUST a hammer?"

... (The hammer is his penis.)

Boat Guy said...

While Tam is (as usual) spot-on about the "job" ObaMao is doing on the country, he was just sneakin into Balad or wherever in the middle of the night; bowing (I'll betcha a BUNCH) to Karzai et al as he arranges the final defeat-from-the-jaws-of-victory.
I'll also put a small wager down that our enemies (who do "get a vote") will ensure that our withdrawal is anything but "orderly" and has all the hallmarks of a defeat, which will cause this "CINC" not a moment's discomfiture

Boat Guy said...

Oops, "Bagram" not "Balad". Freudian slip?

Brad K. said...

@ Boat Guy,

Um, if Tam made a slip, it would be more likely to be Ilusion brand, not Freudian. Just saying.

@ Tam,

Here I thought you were going to opine on B. Hussein finishing the job that isn't finished until the paperwork is done. But that would be bathroom humor.

What saddens me most, though, is I don't see Mittens worried about fixing any of Obama's acts of devastation.

perlhaqr said...

Do you really think Obama started this beatdown of the American economy? I mean, as much as I hate to sound like I'm invoking the lefty meme of "W started it!", I really think this particular problem precedes The Won.

I would certainly agree that he hasn't done anything to stop it, I'm just not convinced he started it.

I would be willing to hear evidence to the contrary, though.

Tam said...


"Do you really think Obama started this beatdown of the American economy?"

You know I don't. It's just the only job he's really started in on since the election.

Just because somebody goes in to Dunkin Donuts in the morning and starts in on making donuts doesn't mean they invented the franchise. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to imagine that silly little twerp holding an actual tool, and failing.

Mike James

Larry said...

Here you go, Mike!

Anonymous said...

Eesh. Hope you're proud of yourself, Larry.

Mike James

Anonymous said...

The post title is an Archer reference, right?

I only ask because any time I make a reference to the show IRL, no one gets it.

Ed Foster said...

Doods and doodettes, The One has been good for manufacturing, the only part of the economy that still generates jobs. Using gold as a constant, the dollar has devalued about 60% since his election, and we are the biggest exporter in the world, so our airplanes, computers and whatall are cheaper and selling well.

Of course, that's like saying my head is above water so the piranhas don't matter, as the cost of imported fuel and the lack of investment capital withers the rest of the corpus publio.

And our exports will begin to cost more to make as the falling dollar buys less and less oil, so we folks in manufacturing should try to enjoy it while it's here.

Kondratiev Curve anyone?