I'm not some sort of rabid anti-open-carry zealot. If you don't feel like throwing on a gun burkha just to go about your daily business, that's up to you.
With that disclaimer out of the way, nothing says Aspie quite as loudly as riding your Segway around the grocery store while open-carrying your "SIG .45".
At least he's "within safety parameters", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.
I wouldn't even try starting a discussion with that dude; like the mentally-handicapped kid engaged in a furious bout of self-gratification in the middle of a church service, there're just some things you pretend to not notice because nothing good can come of calling more attention to them.
There's a difference between just carrying a gun, and carrying a gun at people.
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Wow. Just wow. Next time he should go ahead and add a showgirl style head-dress.
Just carry a gun, people. Don't make it a thing.
"There's a difference between just carrying a gun, and carrying a gun at people."
I am so stealing that. I hope my memory bank can recall it when needed.
Given the Segway and his interest in safety, I'm sure he was wearing a helmet, too.
There is a helmet company brand with the moniker, "Nutcase." They put a nice obvious "Nutcase" label on front right over the face of the wearer. This is the brand of helmet for that guy.
Given the odd eye issues, I'd bet he has spectacles approaching the 'coke bottle' appearance.
Segway + birth-control glasses + helmet + open carry = thanks for the "favor", numbnuts. And thanks for advertising your location so I know enough to steer way clear of that neighborhood.
Early this fall as I was eating in a local fast food establishment, I saw that an older gentleman had his pistol on his hip. It was a nice leather holster in black, and it blended in to his dark pants and shirt. Everyone was calm, and I doubt any of the employees or customers actually noticed.
This summer I went to get a pizza, where I saw a pimply faced twenty-something wearing an off brand gun rights shirt and sporting a thigh holster. He was loud and boisterous, and I could obviously see that the people around were a little nervous. He made a bad impression even though he was only there for a short while to pick up his to-go order.
We can complain all we want about the lack of positive media coverage, but poor judgement can make us our own worse enemy.
And you can bet your ass that if any shit ever went down in this guy's proximity, the bad guy would pop him in the back of the head before he even had the time to let go of his Dorkmobile's handlebars.
"Hahahah, motherf!@#!!, they're your clothes."
Is it wrong that the Segway is what gets me?
The gun (like the Segway honestly) are just props in this guy's special snowflake attention show.
@Jennifer at 10:39....
Actually, there's a guy in the Kentucky section that probably does just that. Pretty in yer face about it, too.
I had to give up on OCDO. Black eyes from all the facepalming.
But if you don't conceal it, you ruin the surprise!
I am going contrarian here.
Nobody got shot in any of the examples given. No firearms were brandished. No threats were made.
The gun carriers were capital A Holes.
Eventually people get used to stuff like gay rights parades and don't feel threatened by gay people no matter how outrageous their behavior.
A similar thing will happen here, over time.
Given enough Major Pains being idiots in public, but NOT shooting or threatening anyone, eventually the public becomes desensitized to idiots with firearms.
"We're jackin', we're packin', and our rights aren't lackin'." Or something more catchy, I hope.
As much as it shouldn't, that argument always winds up sounding like "Fart at the dinner table enough and eventually people won't mind the smell" to me.
(FWIW, I don't dig the parade floats with the dudes miming buttseks while dressed in thongs and leather chaps, either. There's a time and a place. It's possible to think something's tack and yet not believe it should be banned by the Might of the State.)
"tacky", even.
I know plenty of gays who despise GLAAD and the Pride paraders. Something about making the side look bad...
It is a shame that it's hard to say "I think X is a bad idea" without having to state the, formerly, obvious point of "No X should not be illegal."
And I say that as someone that doesn't mind open carry and will do it myself situation permitting.
Course then you have the hate between the in your face OC advocacy and the "I'm a gun owner but I'll help ban OC because of *those people*"
le Sigh.
Preach it, Sister Tam.
I'll probably adopt this being the definition of "the step below 'brandishing.'"
I have a real problem with someone who thinks riding a Segway into and around a grocery store is OK. It is possible to lose control and crash those things
More dangerous than a holstered pistol, in my opinion.
tailwind, exactly. I've got a gimp leg, so I'd be more worried about dodging the Segway than the young packer.
But Gary Larson of "The Far Side"
showed us the way years ago.
"I'd be more worried about dodging the Segway than the young packer."
Segway, "SIG .45", and "OC M-14"? If he's much younger than me, I'll eat my hat. ;)
Okay. "Young" compared to ME then...
OK guys - just so you know, I hang out on OCDO regularly and I live in NOVA (no, I am not this guy). I open carry when I want to and CC when the mood strikes. Not all of us OCDO/NOVA dwellers are total loons.
Did it have a stuffed head made out of denim with button eyes?
All he needs to complete the whacker template is a ham radio license and a Baofeng 2-meter HT with lapel mic...
"there're just some things you pretend to not notice because nothing good can come of calling more attention to them."
Irony Alert
I'm just thinking that nobody saw the guns because all they saw was the segway.
Or if they saw the guns, the segway gave the (wrong) impression that somehow he had an "official" reason to carry.
I, for one, am glad people open carry, because if something goes really wrong, the bad guys will be looking at "mister, or mrs, open carry" and not pay attention to little old me and my concealed "arsenal".
Mr. Strander,
"Irony Alert"
I know this is hard, but trey to follow along: Just because we don't loudly scold the poor retarded child with his hands down his trousers during the church service does not mean we don't discuss it with third parties later.
If you are not, in fact, a third party to this affair, then please ditch the Segway in Whole Foods. You can have the drop thigh tactical rig or the dorkmobile, but not both, because it makes us look like tossers.
Maybe it's just me, but maybe a few more folks in Brooklyn practicing open carry would slow down the mobs and hoodlums. Whenever 300 teenage hoodlums destroy a mall, the most you hear is tsk, tsk, how unfortunate, but see someone carrying a gun, and it the wild wild west.
Hi ya Tam.
To be sure, were I to be in your presence, I would be carrying my gun at you. Good people ought to be armed as they will, with wits (there goes Tam!) and guns and the Truth. MOLON LABE
Out here in Wyoming, I occasionally see folks open-carry during hunting season. I see somebody in cammo or orange and think, "Hunter - good luck and carry on." It's also no big thing if some rancher leaves a pistol on his belt along with his fencing pliers.
With Wyoming's liberal carry laws, there's no excuse for calling attention to yourself. One of these days, I'm going to approach one of these clowns and tell them that I have one too, but I keep mine in my pants, rather than waving it around for everybody to see.
BTW, the current (only in Wyoming, sigh...) fad is to carry into a bar, which is illegal, and then make a big production of asking the bartender to check your weapon for the duration. A few bartenders in small towns are doing that rather than throwing the idiot out.
"I would be carrying my gun at you."
Don't threaten me.
So you don't like the guy's transportation and excercise of his Constitutional rights. Get over it.
Note the PRIDE in your face nonsense happens at parades and festivals, not every day in the frozen food aisle.
If the asdhats restricted the thigh rigs, shoulder arms, and blood of tyrants shirts to parades, gunshows and other places Ma and Pa Kettle can avoid it, or pigeonhole the "operators" as different from normal carriers, I'd be joyful.
Mr. Corlett,
"So you don't like the guy's transportation and excercise of his Constitutional rights. Get over it."
You strike me as the sort of man who smiles after he lets one rip at the dinner table.
"...PRIDE in your face nonsense happens at parades and festivals, not every day in the frozen food aisle."
Depends on where you live. Capitol Hill, Seattle - it's pretty much every day, everywhere.
"...PRIDE in your face nonsense happens at parades and festivals, not every day in the frozen food aisle."
Depends on where you live. Capitol Hill, Seattle - it's pretty much every day, everywhere.
Reading that, it strikes me as something that could have been written by Geko45. Either before he went totally off the deep end or after some almost successful therapy.
Does his Segway have Flashing Lights and is he still "duct-taping a second trauma plate to the area of my back where the heart and vital organs are located."?
"Enquiring" minds want to know.
Open carry is a good and noble cause. It's too bad the OC movement gets a bad rep just because 49.99% of its public faces are attention-seeking loudmouths.
Doug Hoffman just outed himself as a 49.99 percenter.
Look, I agree - open carry is, in general, a noble goal. We need to acclimatize the hoplophobes to weapons. But JEEBUS, people, do you REALLY think it helps that particular cause to act like an @$$HOLE while exercising your "rights"??
And let's deal with this whole "rights" issue. Our Founding Fathers quite well understood that rights come inextricably linked with RESPONSIBILITIES. Yes, @$$HOLE, you have the "right" to carry, even though you aren't proficient. But . . . REALLY???? If you aren't effing proficient, PLEASE LEAVE YOUR DAMN GUN AT HOME. I put upwards of 300 rounds down range per month - and I consider myself only marginal. If you don't practice, if you don't have proficient weapons skills, do us ALL a favor, and leave it at home.
I think the guy's trolling.
The narrative seems implausible.
Before Arizona allowed concealed carry, I used to openly carry when taking my daughter fishing up in the mountains. I always felt uncomfortable, because I knew it made others uncomfortable.
With CCW, I no longer have to worry other people.
In general, open carry (outside of hunting or gun shows) is rude - it (properly) causes people to wonder what is wrong with you.
"furious bout of Self gratification..."
Man, talk about painting with words!
I can't even remember what the point of the story was.
There's not a dime's worth of difference between THAT guy in public and THESE guys in public:
Every community, it seems, has a version of the guy in gaudy Priscilla Queen of the Desert drag who yells "WE'RE HERE, WE'RE QUEER" on other days besides the gay pride parade day. We appear to be no exception.
The gunnie version is obnoxious enough on the range, to say nothing of the grocery store. That same nutbucket on a Segway is nothing more than an emotionally juvenile adult acting out.
P.S. A few weeks ago, my daughter and I were in Chicago on our way to a museum when we were passed by a group of tourists on Segways. Noting their bright-orange helmets, she said (after she finally stopped laughing), "Dad, you know how there's 'clowder of cats,' 'pod of whales' and such? Well, now we have a 'Flamboyance of Segway Tourists!'"
You heard it here first, folks.
Looks like you got mentioned on Ace of Spades, Tam.
Expect some tongue-in-cheek taunting and goodposts ( waves at Diogenes ) from the Moronosphere, as well as a deluge of idiocy.
Looks like some of the idiots have arrived. They apparently think they are immune to post "correcting" here.
Capitol Hill and a few other places are the exception that proves the rule. In some neighborhoods the parade never stops. :)
I sold a nice mid 80's Honda Sabre V65 to a guy on Capitol Hill once, got twice what I paid for it. They have good coffee shops too. I haven't seen much excessive flamboyance there, but I dot usually go at night or near the solstice or pride day.
The Clown Militia strikes again!
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