Long day. Left the house with Shootin' Buddy before 0900 and pedaled to Petite Chou Bistro in Broad Ripple proper for brunch.
Brunch out on the terrace at Petite Chou. |
From there, we bicycled all the way down the Canal Towpath until we picked up the White River Greenway down by the Naval Armory.
This is not where Indiana's war reserve of belly buttons is kept. #IStandCorrected |
From there, it was down into the city until we crossed Fall Creek and could pick up the Cultural Trail and take it to White River Park, where we crossed the river on the Washington Street bridge and went to the zoo.
Good view of the skyline crossing Fall Creek. |
After zooing, we retraced our route to Broad Ripple and had lunch at 317 Burgers, before proceeding to the
Indiana Microbrewers Festival and wandering around sampling the wares from brewers near and far. (Mostly near, but Stone had a booth.)
The new orangutan exhibit at the Indy zoo might be the coolest thing I've ever seen in a zoo. |
And now home, after a round trip of some 27-ish miles. I am sore, tired, and I have a mess of photos to sort out.
Everything that could have a bicycle locked to it had a bicycle locked to it. All the way around the building and every nearby traffic sign and the fence out on the Monon Trail. I've never seen so many bikes at a non-bicycle-specific event. I guess finding designated drivers is hard. |
But I'm happy. Because I have to say it was a good day. (I didn't have to use my AK.)
Ice Cube reference really put the polish on an already entertaining post.
Chaining a bicycle to another's bicycle would be too meta.
Lots of bikes were chained to other bikes.
Much better than 'my' day... :-) I was dealing with monkeys in cars... sigh
Wish you were there, Old NFO. Good times.
Shootin' Buddy
Is that a Roller Coaster above the orangutan exhibit? That building's off kilteredness is kind of disconcerting, too.
I was around lots of cars all day too, but they were vintage race-ey types. It was cool.
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