When I was a wee lad in gubmit class, the instructor informed us that even though the Soviet Union had elections the communist party selected all of the candidates.I felt compelled to reply:
Being a curious tyke I asked her who picked ours.
Chirp chirp.
“Being a curious tyke I asked her who picked ours.Now, if you're a conscientious objector to the whole concept of majoritarian rule or whatever, that's one thing and I can dig that, but to act like it's some hazy and impenetrable process that can't be figured out? That's moronic.
Chirp chirp.”
You could, but that would require getting involved, which is a lot like work.
Who’s your local GOP precinct chairperson?
Chirp chirp.
Not a very curious tyke at all, are you?
Look at the people who have figured it out! Used car salespeople and tuna canning magnates! Second-rate lawyers with MRS degrees! Knaves and poltroons! Jesus, it ain't rocket surgery.