New guy in the 'hood. I've seen him in the alley behind the house, and yesterday he was patrollin' the Monon Trail over near Locally Grown Gardens. Obviously has a home, or at least a base of
operations that was willing to fit him with a flea collar. Looks like he
has a tipped ear, indicating he's been snipped by Indy Feral.
I was on the way home from the grocery store on the Broad Ripple SUV, but I didn't have anything thawing in the bike basket, so I stopped long enough to get a few snaps with the D1X. He was obviously not a shy fella, stopping and busting a pose any time I clicked my tongue at him.
Broad Ripple SUV |
Can't wait to get out on the bike today. It's only supposed to get into the mid 70s with low humidity. Glorious cycling weather when I get home from the range. Maybe push up to 86th Street and beyond!