While our Drill Team Garands were arguably cooler, they weren't so much with teaching us their maintenance or their operation (much beyond "Inspection Arms", at least.)
These kids, on the other hand, are obviously having big, dirty fun. What a rip.

(H/T to Kit at
Forever Vain.)
And that is why this generation, and the ones after it, in our country are in trouble. While we quibble, they prepare for War. While we debate whether it is right to have a winner in children's sports, they prepare to fight. While we are too worried about little suzie or jimmy's feelings, they train to kill.
May God have mercy on us, they certainly won't.
Whilst in Uncle Sam's Big Grey Canoe Club, I did a correspondence course on the Soviet Navy...
I still have a copy of the book used for it, Guide to the Soviet Navy, 4th edition, by Norman Polmar.
On page 77 under Pre-Service Training, it says: "There are part-time, voluntary, paramilitary training programs for children as young as age nine or ten." It goes on to say "During the last two years of school, all male students in the 9th and 10th grades (normally ages 16 and 17) participate in a compulsory pre-military training program... ... small arms (including live munitions, including hand grenades)..."
Sounds like a good idea to me...
I know it freaked me out to think that the sailors on the opposing team had much more small arms training than I had ever recieved... I'd only gotten 5 rounds of .22 in a bored down 1911 in boot camp...
Little girls are doing it all wrong.
Really wrong.
The clip is removed first and installed last. Otherwise someone gets hurt.
So my school teacher taught me.
All I took apart was a V* engine in shop. I showed my wife and she muttered something about taking a smelly frog apart and went to sleep.
I'm envious.
V* was supposed to be V8
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