Friday, September 21, 2007

Just because Reagan is dead, it doesn't mean I'll kiss Rudy.

I'll admit up front, I don't usually read Ace Of Spades, because straight-up GOP politics bores me to tears. I was directed there by a link from Cold Fury to read a post called "Ronald Reagan is dead". The gist of the post was that Ronald Reagan is dead and mean old social conservatives aren't lining up to board the Rudy train because they're waiting for another Ronnie.

Ace, people aren't lining up to board the Rudy train because he's another RINO, anti-gun, big city, northeastern politician; Kerry with an elephant; Dukakis with more red in his bunting. I'm about as "socially conservative" as... well, metaphor fails me. I'm not at all socially conservative, but I wouldn't vote for Rudy Giuliani at gunpoint, and neither would anyone else I know South of the Mason-Dixon or West of the Mississippi. If the GOP wants a sure loss in '08, they're welcome to continue with this big media Giuliani circle jerk, but don't expect me to join in.


Don said...


It takes a real mean spirit to think you should be allowed to keep your guns, your house, your car and your paycheck.

NPR did a gleeful piece on Rudy's gun control problem, and all they really had to do was play his soundbites from this year and then play his soundbites from the '90's.
"New York's gun laws should be the national laws" or some version of that, tells me all I need to know.

Anonymous said...

If I e-mail a photo to you that succinctly illustrates why I would NEVER vote for Giuliani, might you post it?

I'm sure it's made it's way around the web before, but it's utterly damning. I tried to insert it here into the comments, but as "teh noob" on the web, I couldn't figure out how to do it.

Anonymous said...

AoS: Lots of LBJ conservatives over there, until they get onto gold-standard issues. Then they're William J. Bryan conservatives. Fun crowd, though. Great flamers.

The Old Man said...

Succinct analysis. No gots enough money to buy my vote for Rudy for Prez. Now Mayor of CLEVELAND would be another story. Even Dennis did that for a while - Rudy couldn't be worse....

Kevin said...

If the choice was between Rudy and Hillary, I believe I'd actually not vote for President that year.

Anonymous said...

I think you just 10/22'ed that tack into the tree.

I'd just as soon vote for that socialist b***h Hillery as I'd vote for Rudy. Both are *damn yankee's* and have the same intent to make me a criminal by passing laws.

Hill Country Blogger said...

I am actually going to vote for a Republican this year. His name..... Ron Paul! Dr. Ron Paul

Anonymous said...

I have no use for Rudy. But voting for Hillary is not the answer. There is a time for a protest vote and a time to not protest.

Considering that the Chinese improved their missile program by twenty years with husband Bill's two terms as President I have no ambition to help the Chinese anymore. Are they allies? I don't think so.

Find a way to keep Rudy out. The last thing we need is a Hobson's choice between Dumb and Dumber. If it does come down to Rudy and Hillary take a little puke bag and vote for the one that won't sell out to the Chinese. Even if he is an idiot. The lesser of idiots may be the only choice.

# 9

Anonymous said...

Count me among those west of the Mississippi that wouldn't vote for Rudy. If it's a choice between Hillary and Rudy then instead of participating in that election I'll spend my time and money on guns and explosives.


theirritablearchitect said...

The simplest answer to a Rudy/Shillary showdown?

It's called a write-in vote, and NO, I'm never going to vote for Ron Paul, unless he drops moron Truthers who've gathered around him, and publicly denounced the whole ridiculous mess as the concoction that it is.

Anonymous said...

Personally, given that choice, I'd write in Alpheccas' cat.

Anonymous said...

I've heard this "Reagan is Dead." thing all over the place lately- it reminds of the "gravitas" thing in refernce to Bush a few years back..........Just because Reagan is dead does not mean he was wrong. Col. Cooper is no longer with us either. That does not mean we should not fight the good fight. Losing heart? Read Cooper's Eulogy here:

Anonymous said...

Giuliani had NYC sue the gun industry. Here is the video from the press conference:

Giuliani defends the lawsuit against the gun industry on his radio program. The gun industry was "overproducing guns". Here is the video:

Comrade Misfit said...

Don't worry about it, folks in the New York area are not exactly enamored of Rudy, either.

NotClauswitz said...

I'm onboard that train, there's no such thing as "overproducing guns" - that's like saying you have "too much" money...

7.62x54r said...

"None of the above" is a valid choice.

Tam said...


If I thought they'd let him serve out his term, I'd be hanging campaign posters right now. I think he'd be the best president we've had since the last time we elected him in 1924.

Billy Beck said...

Rudy Giuliani is Benito Mussolini about two-thirds reincarnated.

And I will never forgive that bastard for ruining Times Square.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry, gun toters: we'll all be duck hunting in heaven with Mike Huckabee!

That settles everything, doesn't it? Sure helped me make up my mind!

Anonymous said...

I'm damn glad Fred entered the race for real... Gives me somebody I'd want to vote for without holding my nose.

Anonymous said...

Shakespeare quote time: "...full of sound and fury signifying nothing..."

My take is summed up in the following post I originally made over at the War on Guns :

"Nothing in Fred Thompson's voting record leads me to believe that he is any more friendly to 2A supporters than any of the rest of them, with the notable exception of Ron Paul.

So, you think that Ron Paul is a bit of a nutjob. Personally, I think that Hillary, Obama, Edwards, and all the RINOs are nutjobs. THey are so divorced from reality that, well we could probably diagnose them out of the DSM IV.

Ron Paul is a magnet for the nutjobs who oppose socialism. That I'll accept. He is willing to, at least appear to, listen to those nutjobs.

Personally, I tend to believe the old saw that "you know when a poltician is lying because his lips are moving." Therefore, it gets down to voting records, and the ONLY ONE of the mess with a decent record is Ron Paul.

If you want the status quo then go ahead and vote for Thompson, a RINO or any of the Democrat offerings. If you want at worst a breather with no new federal weapon legislation, or at best a small rollback then vote for Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is electable. Libertarian Candidates are not. Ron Paul is in front of the voters. People in all 50 States know that he is running. (As an aside, Ron Paul is a Republican, not a Libertarian. His views actually coincide with the staed aims of the Republican party, not the Libertarians.)

Ron Paul isn't perfect. Perfection is unattainable, Fred Thompson isn't even good, he's just more of the same in slightly better wardrobe."

Tam said...


I must have missed where I endorsed anybody in this post.

Tell you what, here's a wager: I hereby will vote for Paul even if I have to write him in, against my better conscience, Truther Bircher that he is, and if he wins, I will FedEx you a crisp $100 bill.

On the other hand, if he fails to gain the GOP nomination, you will FedEx me One Penny of U.S. Currency.

Are we on?

NotClauswitz said...

I think the Media simply gloms onto Rudy because he's a NewOrker and big Media is all NewOrkish too, what with their Times-Square and all their ego-centralized theater crap. They see themselves in his reflection and they really-really like looking at themselves - and projecting that and the rest of their insecurities onto the rest of us, who are force-fed all their Couric-crap.

Anonymous said...

I lived for 8 years under Rudy's adminstration(Despotic rule would be a better description), and I won't vote for either - he's a micromanaging control freak with a vindictive streak the size of Mt. Everest. There are alot of people here in New York's Republican stronghold, who feel he basically sold us out. Endorsing Comrade Mike for Mayor, who had the gall to run as Republican to avoid the Dem Primary, was just the icing on the cake.

Even his own children won't vote for him.

Anonymous said...

My most sincere apologies for not specifying that I was just cut and pasting a response I made on a different blog. No, you have not endorsed anyone and I did not mean to imply that you had. I was just too bloody lazy to edit the bloody thing.

As far as the wager, not interested. Keep your money, vote your conscience.

However, if I was to wager, and lose I wouldn't fed-ex a shiny penny. Any moneys would be put into your tip jar. :-P

Anonymous said...

Gee, I wish 'none of the above' was a choice. I'm with Tamara, if they'd let 'none of the above' serve out the term if elected, I'd be hangin campaign posters fulltime.

Anonymous said...

I've lived and/or worked in NYC since 1998. I've considered myself a left-leaning libertarian since about that time too.

I think Giuliani is an absolutely miserable man. He enforced NYC's anti-Harlem '20s era cabaret laws, for pete's sake. Google "giuliani cabaret law nyc". He's anti-gun, make no mistake.

People outside of NYC make a big deal of politician's behavior on 9/11, pilgrimages to ground zero, etc. Here's the telling bit of data from someone who lives there: the REAL heroes of 9/11 - the firefighters and rescue workers - all hate his stinking guts. They're all dying of untreatable respiratory diseases and haven't gotten so much as an apology for the air having been declared safe. I don't know if this gets play outside of the metro area, but within the 5 boroughs and the suburbs its boring by now, and we wonder why the rest of the country doesn't get it.

firefighters union letter

I like the idea of politically divided government. It stacks the odds against anything too bad from happening too quickly. Unfortunately the GOP menu is pitiful (and utterly tainted by the last 7 years), and the only Democrat willing to admit to a carry permit (Richardson) isn't a contender. Hilary was my senator, and I don't want to vote for her. She's a political sellout.


Anonymous said...

Looks, too, can mean things. I see Rudy in pictures, with that sneer and his hand gestures and he reminds me of the worst junior high school principal caricacture (sp?) anyone could think up. Put an apron on the guy and he'd be your Aunt Gertrude shaking her finger at you going "no, no, no!".

I don't think even Mrs. Clinton is as much a statist control freak as Giuliani.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:28, Godwin's Law needs a Vanessa Hudgens corollary! Especially on the straight-up GOP site cited (op.sit.?), but even in here sometimes, the merest reference to unpleasant memories from high school gets one mocked and ignored as a lifelong dweeb. Guilty as charged: I strongly believe that high school is the shared American cultural experience in the same way that the Holocaust defines Jewishness. Dont get me started. Having grimaced through two terms of the leering, chick-scoring American Student Council President and His Cheerleader from Hell wife, comparisons of primary candidates to secondary education is just too eye-rollingly painful. We've got to avoid it, no matter how much the conventions look (and act) like pep rallies, else even Big Fred conjures images of Crankshaft, or Condi Rice reminds you of the nice athletic secretary who set up the football schedule...

Tam said...


There are times when I wish you'd provide a link to your blog, 'cause your snark-fu is strong.