I believe the goddess you want is Eris... unless, of course, she isn't. In that case, you could go with Hestia, goddess of home and hearth. You could go with Demeter, goddess of agriculture. But I'd suggest switching to the Roman goddess for that (as BobG did when he said Ceres) because that's where we get the word "cereal". Unless you just want a big bowl of Frosted Demeter-O's for breakfast.
For a Geek Goddess, I'd suggest Athena. Goddess of wisdom and learning, warrior, patron of heroes... Sounds very Tam-like to me.
Does this mean you are prancing around the garden in a light Chiton for the rest of the day?
Please, say yes. It'll make my day.
...and 5.11 boots, too.
It's a good thing. Now I've gotta call my broker...
I think the name you are looking for is Ceres.
Is the chiton made of Kevlar?
Cute. My day is made.
I can see it: boots, chiton and varmint rifle.
Ceres meets Nike.
Actually, the Greek goddess is Demeter.
There's also a Roman goddess named Pomona, but she was only in charge of stuff that grows on trees.
But if you decide to have an orchard, you'll at least know to whom you should dedicate the altar.
Isn't that like an unnatural feeling towards little orange striped fish?
anyone one else read that as "Geek Goddess"?
I believe the goddess you want is Eris... unless, of course, she isn't. In that case, you could go with Hestia, goddess of home and hearth. You could go with Demeter, goddess of agriculture. But I'd suggest switching to the Roman goddess for that (as BobG did when he said Ceres) because that's where we get the word "cereal". Unless you just want a big bowl of Frosted Demeter-O's for breakfast.
For a Geek Goddess, I'd suggest Athena. Goddess of wisdom and learning, warrior, patron of heroes... Sounds very Tam-like to me.
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