Friday, July 02, 2010

"He must be a 12th Level Protester!"

Apparently Thog Ironfoundersson or Zandar the Elf got busted because his LARP-ing stuff looked like riot gear to the Toronto cops and one neckbeard looks pretty much like another to the heat.

Triumphantly displaying the foam-filled-sock-tipped arrows, the police explained that they were meant to be set alight and used as incendiary devices, proving that The Man hasn't learned a thing since Reefer Madness.

Sources are mum on whether Canada has an extradition treaty with Middle Earth.

(H/T to Unc.)


Living in Babylon said...

Thats a lot of fuss over 1d6 nonmagical fire damage.

Aaron said...

They went after the LARPers 'cause real protesters might hurt the cops, or set their cop cars on fire. Ooops, the real protesters did that anyways...

Anonymous said...

A trip to the city county building some time back the "authorities" were upset with my pocket watch chain and the attached watch. I had to return to my car or hand them over. I would like to see the "weapon" collection there. Tweezers and nail clippers are a terrible threat I understand.
word verification: heapp

Anonymous said...

"I'm wearing boots of escaping."

Worst police cover story evar!

Shootin' Buddy

John Peddie (Toronto) said...

If those fly-in "protestors"-now complaining about Toronto police brutality-had wanted the real thing, I could cheerfully have suggested alternate destinations.

Police, like politicians, have never met a controlled photo-op they didn't like; but their only real failure was allowing human trash to deplane at the airport.

Local folks like Barrett, had they been blessed with an ounce of sense, would not have carted weapons through the city's main train station only a 1 minute walk from the tight-security zone surrounding the G-20 conference.

WV: poliz

How appropriate

Tam said...


"Local folks like Barrett, had they been blessed with an ounce of sense..."

Been to a comic book store lately?

BobG said...

Makes you wonder what they would do if some real armed protesters popped up; probably run and hide while calling for the Canadian Army.

Anonymous said...

incompetant fools placed in positions of authorita. YOU MUST RESPECT MY AUTORITA!

Anonymous said...

Police announced they had arrested 25 heavly armoured men with clubs in the downtown area last week.

The terrorist gang known as the Toronto Maple Leafs were taken to an undisclosed location for questioning.


Tam said...


As John pointed out, the LARPers didn't exactly show a whole lot of forethought here, either.

10% said...

Good thing they didn't search the elf, he had a pocket full of lightening bolt spells.

Is there a saving throw for stupidity?

RM1(SS) (ret) said...

The display came as police face increasing fire for their methods in dealing with demonstrators.

At first glance I read that as police farce....

Bubblehead Les. said...

What ever happened to philosophy "One Mountie, One Riot"?

John Peddie (Toronto) said...

Bob, calling the Canadian Army would not have been helpful: both of its tanks are currently busy in Afghanistan (likely airlifted there by the USAF).

Timmeehh said...


Don't joke about the Royal Canadian Mounted Thugs and riots.

The RCMPigs are the closest thing we have to Gestapo since WWII. They have so little real crime to deal with that they just like to push the little people around out of boredom.