Friday, April 29, 2011

Meanwhile, in Bizarroland... Part III

So, yesterday I'm driving home from the grocery store and the iPod indicates its little battery is low. So I shut it off and punched the "FM" button on the car's head unit and NPR came on and almost caused me to drive into a ditch by announcing that:
The former US President, Jimmy Carter, has accused the United States of committing human rights abuses by withholding food aid from North Korea.
He accused the who of the what?

Ah, good ol' Jimmy One-Note. The world can be coming apart at the seams, chaos everywhere, and he's constant as the northern star. If he'd gone to Auschwitz in 1941 he'd have condemned the United States' for committing human rights abuses by not feeding the inmates.

Is it just me, or did his cheese slide off his cracker at some point and leave him a bitter, crazy old dude, instead of the doofy, naive idealist he used to be?


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

It's not just you.

McVee said...

Ah relevance, thy name is Carter. Not.

JD said...

I think this is how he deals with being known as one of our worst POTUS ever. . . you would think he would lighten up now that Obama is going to replace him as Worst Ever. . . just can't please some folks.

Anonymous said...

History will record Billy as the brightest Carter.


Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

He always was a nut. Now, he's cracked.

Anonymous said...

Bitter, crazy, old, doofy, naive...

Yes, that's fine, let him dodder around the world on our dime and babble on.

Hardly irrelevant though, as McVee implied. He is the perfect poster boy, reference point, and rallying cry for the Tea Party, as in "It's 1980 all over again!"...

But God, wouldn't it be the perfect irony if the NoKo's would grab him up and hold him hostage? What would the ransom be?


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

"What would the ransom be?"

We shouldn't take him back for less than $5 million, and I'd try to hold out for at least $1 billion.

Tam said...


"But God, wouldn't it be the perfect irony if the NoKo's would grab him up and hold him hostage?"

From your lips to Kim Jong Il's ears... :D

Anonymous said...

You folks can't be serious. Haven't the poor North Korean people suffered enough misery and indignity already?


Mark Alger said...

It just EATS HIM UP that Nixon got all that love and admiration at his funeral and he himself (Carter) is continuously referred to as the Worst Failure. Of a. President: EVAH!

That kinda rage has gotta find an outlet SOMEwhere.


Whitebread said...

Remember, Tam, that this was the only sitting president ever to be attacked by a swimming bunny. America will never forget.

Anonymous said...

The former US President, Jimmy Carter, has accused the United States of committing human rights abuses by withholding food aid from North Korea.

This underscores a problem with our enlightened, modern, civilized way of thinking: we're never mad a COUNTRY, but rather at its leader(s). Unfortunately, short of assassination - which Jimmuh said was soooooo evil that the pure and virtuous and nice United States would never, ever do again* - there is no way for one nation to express its ire with another short of sanctions or war, both of which make civilians suffer.

I don't have a particular beef with the people of North Korea, but I'm guessing that quite a few GI's didn't have a particular beef with the people of Germany or Japan, either.

So, in his doddering, senile way, Jimmuh has a point: we're making people suffer for something that they aren't really responsible for.

That being said, I'm not sure where it's written down that the United States is responsible for feeding North Korea, or any other country...


(*) Unless with a Hellfire missile or laser-guided bomb, which somehow ISN'T an assassination. Go figure...

Anonymous said...

The reason I didn't enjoy my fifteen-month sojourn in South Korea, 55 years ago, was due to the actions of North Korea.

Call me names, make threats, kick my dog, beat on my kids, refuse to do honest work and then you come to me and say that you're hungry?

Guess what?

Carter would have to double-up on smarts, just to make it to stupid. And Ron White was correct.

Turk Turon said...

Human rights workers in North Korea report that they have been told that, at night, the NK army goes door to door and confiscates the food handed out to the starving masses. They have lists of every home and how much food they received that morning. Whatever has not been eaten is taken away.

NMBigfoot said...

The Atomic Peanut strikes again...

Robin said...

That cracker never had any cheese.

atlharp said...

Jimmy Carter is evidence that some people are incapable of learning. The funny thing is that he has indirectly said that it is our obligation to prop up Marxist states like NK. In effect, he has made them beggars of the free world. yet, that is what Liberals have always been anyway.....beggars and parasites within the free world.

Tam said...


"That cracker never had any cheese."

LOL. I see what you did there.

Matt G said...

I wonder if The Coiner Of The Word Nukular knows how to do a Google news archive search?

Firehand said...

I remember reading that when Reagan died Carter was almost incandescent: How DARE these people show veneration for the man who beat me in the election? Etc.

The President and Ex-President who never met a anti-American dictator he didn't love. Especially if they hate Jews.

Brad K. said...

Just wondering, does Jimmy "Bubba Beer" Carter think the US is committing injustice, by leaving convicted murdering and raping felons unexecuted?

I got it! I understand the philosophy!

See, Hilary gave old Jimmy C. all her free air miles to keep him active during B. Hussein Obama's term. That way she keeps Jimmy C. out of her hair, and identifies him with B. Hussein "Carter's second term" Obama.

Because Hilary really does have her sights set on 2012. And she doesn't see a need for Jimmy C.'s baggage to still be lingering around, come the election.

mc said...

The jackass feels that that American Revolutionary War was unnecessary. We would have merely evolved into our freedom, we really didn't influence Western freedoms:

This is a twofer, Carter wrastlin' with Matthews for double the douche chill. He was still a patriot compared to Obama:

CARTER: Well, one parallel is that the Revolutionary War, more than any other war up until recently, has been the most bloody war we‘ve fought. I think another parallel is that in some ways the Revolutionary War could have been avoided. It was an unnecessary war.

Had the British Parliament been a little more sensitive to the colonial‘s really legitimate complaints and requests the war could have been avoided completely, and of course now we would have been a free country now as is Canada and India and Australia, having gotten our independence in a nonviolent way.

Chuck Pergiel said...

You cracker me up.

Anonymous said...

There was no British parliament. There was an English parliament.

Worst president was Buchanan, with Wilson as a runner up. (WWI US casualties were ~100,000 by combat, another 800,000 from disease).

Stretch said...

In the Good Old Days we could have just locked Carter up in the garret and shoved food under the door.

Anonymous said...

For years I vacillated between "He's an ignorant, uninformed fool", and "He's just evil."

However, even ignorant, uninformed fools eventually realize the error of their ways and make an effort to change them.

Now I just think he's evil. Admittedly, an evil well-disguised as a fool, but still evil.


global village idiot said...

"...the Revolutionary War, more than any other war up until recently, has been the most bloody war we‘ve fought."

This is the most profoundly stupid thing I've ever heard a Georgian say.


wolfwalker said...

Is it just me, or did his cheese slide off his cracker at some point and leave him a bitter, crazy old dude, instead of the doofy, naive idealist he used to be?

It's not just you.

Carter is a puzzlement. As a governor he was ... well, I dunno, not being interested in Georgia politics of way back then. As President he was a well-meaning failure -- though I think not as much of a failure as some paint him, and much of his trouble was from circumstances beyond his control. For the first few years of his ex-presidency I recall him as something of a lovable bumbler, traveling round the country helping to throw up shacks for Habitat for Humanity.

Sometime around the first Gulf War, though, he just flipped out completely, and ever since he's been an embarrassment.

One other thing:

Carter: "Well, one parallel is that the Revolutionary War, more than any other war up until recently, has been the most bloody war we‘ve fought."

You'd think a governor of Georgia, who grew up in the Jim Crow era, would remember that the bloodiest war ever fought by Americans was the American Civil War.

Tam said...


"This is the most profoundly stupid thing I've ever heard a Georgian say."

Not as stupid as "Molotov, go sign a treaty with Hitler." ;)

Anonymous said...

gvi and wolfwalker:

The only things Carter is more ashamed of than being a Georgian, is being white, and being an American.

And the only thing that I am more ashamed of than him being a former President of my America, is that he was *my* former President; I voted for him, I rooted for him, I adored him. You cannot begin to comprehend how painful it is for me to say that now.

Suffice to say: things, and people, change.


perlhaqr said...

Yah, Jimmuh seems to have gotten it completely backwards, who is starving the Norks.

An Ordinary American said...

I served in the military when Carter was President. Pure misery. So many cuts and slashes in our budgets and morale was non-existent.

Ronald Reagan was a breath of Life. We'd do anything for that CIC.

The difference between the two was just stunning. You'd think a Southerner (Georgian) who grew up in agriculture would be the hard-ass conservative, let's-not-take-any-shit from the commies or middle east.

Instead, it turned out to be a Californian who was the tough guy.

Never in a thousand years would I have figured on that. . .


Spud said...

Oh yeah, acting like a christian.
Now that really is bad stuff...

rickn8or said...

Annnd let us not forget that it was Jimmah that blessed the "election" of Pugsley in Venezuela, lest there be violence otherwise.

Dammit, that's ANOTHER grave I gotta go piss on. Unless of course, he's going to be buried in Arlington. That's the only thing that's keeping Ted the Swimmer's grave unsodden.

Anonymous said...

Not as stupid as "Molotov, go sign a treaty with Hitler." ;)

I honestly laughed out loud at that.


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who remembers that Jimmy Carter ordered an embargo of grain sales to the Soviets in 1979?

The first reference to the event that I found was on Google Books:

International Business Law and Its Environment
By Richard Schaffer, Filiberto Agusti, Beverley Earle


Last time I checked, even the Habitat For Humanity people were embarrassed to mention his name.

Anonymous said...

I really wonder if Carter has slipped into dementia, but no one is willing to have a former president quietly moved into a long-term care facility against his will. His actions are not those I associate with the best of Christianity. Yes, we should try to help those in need and yes we should oppose injustice. But what he defines as oppression and injustice don't seem to turn up in my copy of the Gospels and Epistles, or in the Tanakh.