Sunday, July 24, 2011

I'm feeling psychic...

Seen at Wikipedia this morning:
As of 24 July, the investigation to determine the cause of [Amy Winehouse's] death, which is described by police as unexplained, is still open.
Have Detective Chief Inspector Clouseau-Smythe give me a call; I've got a few of those psychic-type tips for them.


Lewis said...

The Illuminati, to keep her from getting the word out about The Plan?

Home on the Range said...

That one is simple. It was global warming.

Anonymous said...


Oh, wait, it was probably a drug overdose, right?
Well, that's different.
Oh! Oh! No, it isn't different, see, because she was upset about the global economy, and that's why she took the drugs, so...


ajdshootist said...

What a waste of a great R&B singer but she was a walking corpse just waiting to die,pity!

Bubblehead Les. said...

With her trying to make a comeback, I'd look to Lady Gaga as the Prime Suspect.

Now, as to how BUSH set Thermite Charges into the Twin Towers back in the 1960's while they were under construction....

Anonymous said...

Some lifestyles are nothing but slow-motion suicide. Sorta weird: Success = Failure.

Anonymous said...

She seemed to be this generations Janis Joplin. A real waste of talent.

I guess she really didn't want to go to rehab.


Anonymous said...

While you're feeling the psychic vibe, you could go ahead and give them the secret to the Curse of 27...

That crazy chick could sing her ass off; her live from London (she was banned from the US) performance of the prophetic Rehab was nearly as seminal a performance as that of some of her 27 brethren/sistren from back in the day.

There's a lot of extraneous effects of sudden stardom, but there's gotta be an inherent connection in the brain between the talent and the destructo behavior. Sad.


og said...

Amy Winehouse is dead?

How can you tell?

Stingray said...

(she was banned from the US)

That's because our narcotics economy is not robust enough. The last time she was here, it was the smack equivalent of the entire gulf coast buying toilet paper, water, and batteries before a hurricane. Lohan was reduced to chugging Listerine and recorded a message begging the president to do something about this horrible disaster.

God, Gals, Guns, Grub said...

Wow, there's a drug dealer somewhere re-thinking his/her retirement plan...

Dann in Ohio

LabRat said...

My personal theory is that 27 is the lifespan of the liver when used at maximum capacity. After that, it just can't stretch any further to save your ass when you try to kill your brain again.

atlharp said...

um..........natural causes?

Kristophr said...

Auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Joe in PNG said...

Maybe she was playing drums for "Spinal Tap"?

Anonymous said...


You're the scientist. Stingray is talking smack and as you say, too much poison and the bod gives up the ghost, so to speak. But is that all? Just too much money, dope, and enabling?

Or is self-medicating to the point of flame-out related to the brightness of the flame itself? And what about the chronology; just coincidence, or something else?


Joe in PNG said...

However, I think drummers are an exception- they tend to kick out at 32- with Keith Moon and John Bonham being the two examples.

How Ginger Baker survived, I'll never know...

Anonymous said...

Good career move on her part.

Tam said...


"Or is self-medicating to the point of flame-out related to the brightness of the flame itself?"

So what about the hundreds, if not thousands, of no-talent, unknown, plain-vanilla 27-y.o. junkies that OD'ed their way through the Pearly Gates today? How bright were their flames?

Anonymous said...

Wow, is that a real statistic or just OTA?

But yeah, you'll note the interrogatory form directed at LR, so I dunno...

You seem to be saying that the first scenario of simple opportunity and environment applies and that there is no brain function/malfunction that produces both brilliance and insanity.

I'm not sure of your scientific creds, but you may be right. Guys may also in some percent of the general population cut their fucking ears off, or blow their brains out after/during a run of some of the most brilliant literature ever penned to paper too, but like I said, I don't know.

So I asked the only scientist I do "know".


Joe in PNG said...

On the flip side, there's a whole lot of great, talented artist that DON'T go down in drug induced flames- or at least are able to rehab successfully. The flame out thing may be one of those outliers that tend to overshadow the actual reality of the situation. Most rock stars don't die of od's at 27, most airliners don't crash, ect- but we tend to remember the ones that do.

Tam said...

"Wow, is that a real statistic or just OTA?"

Shootin' from the hip, of course.

But given a global population of... hang on... in excess of 6,900,000,000+, you think a couple hundred of those people might be mid 20-somethings who died as a direct result of alcohol or drug abuse today? Were all their lights burning twice as bright? Or were some of 'em maybe just burnouts?

Tam said...

"But yeah, you'll note the interrogatory form directed at LR..."

You'll note that you've been a completely insulting knob-gobbler on my blog for two goddam days running. If you're going to send private letters to other people which I am not allowed to respond, use your fucking email account and not my comments section.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I could have said "in my response to LR's comment" which would have been more accurate, and one less diversion to focus on.

And of course everything I have written for the last two goddam days running has been in response to your own gratuitous insults and sneers, culminating in outright misrepresentation in the spittin' image post.

So there was no "private letter" to anyone intended, and obviously you can and do comment however you please on your own Porch. Also you certainly have the option to censor or ban my or anyone else's input here.

Failing that though, I'll engage and respond and defend myself and my positions to the best of my ability, as always.


Bram said...

Drugs have ended careers without ending lives. I'm still a fan of British Blues rock.

Their original 3 guitarists all basiclly went insane. Peter Green, aruably the best British guitar player ever, did bad LSD. He lived, his talent died in 1970.

Jeremy Spencer did mescaline, went crazy and joined a cult in 1971.

Danny Kirwan may have done some of that bad LSD with Green. He became an alcoholic and a paranoid schizophrenic. The talent died.

Kristophr said...

Jebus, AT. Do you understand the concept "guest"?

Ain't yer blog.

Joe in PNG said...

Bram- don't forget Syd Barret.

og said...

Amazing, when you think of it, Charlie Parker was a morphine/heroin addict for a lot of his life and managed incredible music despite it. A lot of people of that era followed him into addiction because they thought all that music came out of the heroin, discounting the fact that he practiced 15 hours a day for years. They ended up addicted to heroin but without any talent. Charlie died at 35, IIRC.

Firehand said...

Spider Robinson used to do a bit of preaching in a lot of his stories, "What kind of world have we made that creative people are compelled to destroy themselves?"
My question was "Really? What the *(@#* is wrong with so many talented people that they're driven to destroy themselves?"

Anonymous said...

Kristopher, with the forbearance of VFTP management:

"Do you understand the concept "guest"?"

Yes. Doesn't apply. And though Tam has referenced it twice recently (once rightly and once wrongly IMO), neither really does Unc's tag line. It's funny, comforting, and applicable for any artist, especially starving ones. But if blog revenue is significant, it's a bit disingenuous.

"Customer" is more like it; think of a bunch of guys/gals hanging out on the front Porch of the general store playing checkers, solving the world's ills, with a little shouting and cussing mixed in...and occasionally buying drinks and other necessities to sate themselves and help support the proprieter, who happens to be a freaking renaissance woman whose own opinions often deserve and get the old EF Hutton treatment.

If there is not significant revenue, both of these talented people are missing the boat because they supply a product of significant value. As for myself, I buy a round from time to time (I'm due to spring for another), and so should you.

Most blogs are just journals, but some (like those with MILLIONS of visits) are undeniably a business. And like with all businesses there are good days and bad, there are some customers that just ain't worth the trouble (whaddaya lookin' at me for?), and if the fun is gone, even the income can't make it worthwhile; self-employment imparts the ability to walk away at any time, for any reason, and any duration...but necessarily with an eye on the bottom line.

Tam is a strong woman with a brilliant mind and broad business experience, so there is no doubt that she will continue to successfully separate biz from life and maintain the balance of capitalism here on my favorite Porch. There may not always be agreement and warm 'n fuzzy feelings -and who the hell would want that- but as long as I get my perceived money's worth, I'll hang around.

So K-man, you up for some checkers? I'll grab us a couple of cold ones and leave a tenner on Tam's counter.