Monday, July 25, 2011

Wait, wait... that's a yiffemism, right?

I need help with 4 Down on today's crossword. What's a four-letter word for "unwanted sexual encounter"?

And how did I miss that whole "tiger suit" thing back in February, anyway? Looking over Representative Wu's résumé, I'm surprised he hasn't heard from any Massachusetts talent scouts yet, 'cause this guy's got the chops for the Kennedy AAA farm team.


Marty said...

"unwanted sexual encounter"
"undocumented worker"

I need to start making a list...

Anonymous said...

Four letter word for unwanted sexual encounter?

That would be a "Dodd".

Shootin' Buddy

Newbius said...


Bubblehead Les. said...

Whatever it is, it's a Synonym for "No Controlling Legal Authority."

RL said...


Not really a word but...

Bubblehead Les. said...

Of course, that also depends on what the definition of "is", is.

Anonymous said...

This is what comes of affirmative action for Furries.

Anonymous said...

I thought TSA was three letters?


Frank W. James said...

Gerry wins the Interweb today...

All The Best,
Frank W. James

Tam said...

Yup. I needed that laugh.

Chas S. Clifton said...

This is some Asian thing? Tiger Mom ... Tiger Congressman?

Either that or he is a very proud Princeton alumnus.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

It ought to be an American thing...setting tigers loose in the Capitol, I mean.

1911Man said...

Welcome to Oregon. Because insanity is helpful in buying in to our particular flavor of liberal agenda, our voters positively admire and respect a leader who has a whole tanker truck full of the stuff.

Perversely, this event will absolutely guarantee his reelection as Congressman from Oregon District 1.

Pervy Tigger For President!

Dan said...

Pedobear has competition.

Brad K. said...

I know it is a distraction, but what is his record as a Congressman?

The tiger suit was goofy. So? We have a President that it took years, and several courts, to "find" a "record of live birth" and call it a birth certificate.

As for the accusation, until formal charges are laid, this is rumor and innuendo. Innocent until proven guilty, right?

If the accusation of unwanted encounters were true, why not a call from the cops, lawyers -- the lady's father? A single voice mail is troubling; trying to shake down or rattle someone while avoiding criminal action says something to me.

The tiger suit is kinda cute, but, please Odysseus, that suit does *not* make Wu a "Furry". Furries make nice neighbors, entertaining and friendly. And any sex is *consenting*. Please don't confuse this goofy guy with seriously interesting Furries.

jimbob86 said...

"It ought to be an American thing...setting tigers loose in the Capitol, I mean."

So long as we set them loos in the other branches of Gumint, to: Gotta keep the Checks and Balances workin' !!!!

GuardDuck said...

Why not? The mayor of our biggest city made out with a 17 year old boy in the mens room of city hall. Then easily survived an underwhelming recall effort.

apparently different is the standard out here.

Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

It is when you say "BATFEces", Robert.

NotClauswitz said...

At least he's not claiming to be a Bengal tiger. We're lucky he's not acting like a Tamil Tiger, the way a Good Democrat might act.

Drang said...

As bad as things get in the great state of WAaaaaah, there are reasons we haven't moved to Orygun...

bob said...

OT: incoming Instalanche!!!

PPPP said...

I'd say I'm regretful that he comes from my state, but I don't really consider Portland (his district) to be part of Oregon. Oh, sure, it's got the votes to swing everything to the left, but geographically, it is such a small little portion of a very nice state.

Drang said...

Dr. Wu has announced that he will not run for re-election.

Old NFO said...

But... but... He's a DEMOCRAT, how can he possibly do anything wrong??? And yeah, the 'suit' was a clue!

Tam said...

Old NFO,

I'm just happy to see the stars back in their proper paths.

For all my life, it's been Democrats that get caught in other people's trousers and Republicans that get caught in other people's bank accounts, but things have been topsy-turvy these last ten years or so...

Dave R said...

As for the accusation, until formal charges are laid, this is rumor and innuendo. Innocent until proven guilty, right?

That's big of you and all; the problem is Wu has a history of this kind of behavior. It came out in 2004 (and I lived in his district then so it stands out to me) that he had tried to rape an ex-girlfriend in college, but she was able to fight him off. This being the 70's, it got reported to the college, who disciplined him but declined to pass it on to local police. At the time it came out Wu talked around it, denied wrong-doing while simultaneously expressing regret, but never contested those facts.

This all came out during a general election season where he was facing a pro-life Republican woman challenger (albeit a sacrificial lamb, it was a safe democratic district), and local feminists and pro-choicers lined up behind him. Apparently he's actually good for women since his politics are right.

Anyway, apparently the rule among my home state democrats and national Dem leadership is they'll spot you one attempted rape, but two and a tiger suit is a bridge too far. What I don't understand is why some independents and conservatives are determined to be so fair-minded they'll do the Dems one better and spot him more than one. (And its not just Brad K, I've seen that sentiment all over, so I admit I'm responding partly to others also.)

If it takes an unproven allegation to remove a guy who should have been gone 7 years ago, I'll take it.

Brad K. said...

Dave R.,

Thanks for the background on Wu.

Now, about getting rid of B. Hussein Obama, without having to wait for the November 2012 elections. . . Can we do recall elections for a sitting President? I mean, Congress cannot pass a budget, and they seem disinclined to censure or impeach the dude.

Midwest Chick said...

Brad, additionally (and ironically) Wu was a co-sponsor of H.R. 1724 “The Compassionate Assistance for Rape Emergencies Act of 2011” which would deny federal funding to hospitals that don’t offer emergency contraceptives to rape victims.

Not that he has an interest in that kind of issue though.
Again with the irony on word verification: stopim....