Wednesday, July 27, 2011

At least as accurate as tea leaves or sheep entrails.

The televisor this morning is all-of-a-sudden crammed with Dickie Lugar commercials consisting of footage of him walking with Reagan, sitting with Reagan, talking with Reagan, and pretty much everything short of actually swapping spit with Reagan.

I'm not sure what exactly it signifies when Indiana's state weathervane wobbles to the right, but it must mean something.


Anonymous said...

It probably means that his political mentors have been reading the results of polls about the public mood. Re-election. Is. All.

Bram said...

Holy crap! Dick Luger is still alive? I had no idea. Next you are going try to tell me that Orrin Hatch and Jay Rockefeller are still in the Senate.

Anonymous said...

Never mind my record as a first-class weasel! I had a picture taken with Reagan, damn it! That's all you need to know to re-elect me.

(If you want a picture of me standing next to Slick Willy or the Teleprompter Jesus, I can make that happen, too, you know.)

the gripping hand said...

It strikes me as a bit off-key that Lugar's response to an ad saying that he's been in the Senate a long time is to show pictures of him and Reagan (pbuh) from 30 years ago.

BobG said...

Ain't Photoshop great?

Bubblehead Les. said...

So Dickie Boys Re-Election Strategy is to BRAG about how long he's been in the Senate, helping to drive the Republic into the ground?

Bob B. said...

And it can't be good. Get out your shovels and hipboots!

North said...

"tea leaves or sheep entrails"

Bad dinner.

Stretch said...

Man, his internal polls must suck.

Midwest Chick said...

Actually Les, he's jumping on the conservative bandwagon and will try to erase the last 30+ years of RINO voting.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Ms. Chick: oh trust me, those of us who are past a certain age know ALL about Dickie Boy's RINO Creds, even though he's not from my State. He's not just a Hoosier Problem, believe you me!

Drang said...

"Tea leaves and sheep entrails"? How did you know the Highland Festival is this weekend?

TenMile said...

If you're un-aware of Clutter-Thunk, it is a site that publishes occasionally, and then only pictures; usually less than two, generally one.

Todays is very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I was in Santa Monica yesterday. Saw a bumper sticker with a picture on Ron's smiling face accompanied simply by the words AVENGE ME in big red letters.

Sparo said...

It signifies that he had a nightmare featuring another Dick.

Its worth every dime of my contribution to Mourdock to watch Lugar squirm.