Saturday, July 16, 2011

Overheard in the Hallway:

Me: "I swear, this Obama guy is the biggest threat to American civil liberties since... since George W. Bush!"

RX: "Isn't that the name of the job both men held? 'Chief Threatener of Civil Liberties'?"


og said...

Bush sucked in that respect, but he was a piker compared to Obama.

Especially if O gets to institute his "Civilian National Security Force" which I expect to see soon.

WV: Fordy. With two explorers, an escape, am Aerostar, and the occasional Taurus and Escort, my driveway is rather fordy.

Anonymous said...

Golly. Gosh. Gee: And here I was thinking that Murdoch was the cause of all evil in the world!

Papa said...

I always thought "Boosh" at least had good intentions. With Obama, I keep asking myself, "If he did have malicious intent, then what would he do differently..."

Bubblehead Les. said...

The word "Threat" implies Future Actions to be taken. Looking at what HAS happened under the Anointed One's Benevolent Rule since seizing office....

God, Gals, Guns, Grub said...

Apparently, they don't need no stinkin' badges...

The Jack said...

But.... but... Change.

I swear this guy is doing his best to show us that there is a difference between the parties, and that Bush wasn't so bad.

Granted the difference is wet gangrene versus Solanum. So the effort ain't exactly appreciated.

Quizikle said...

None of these guys since Tricky did much worth getting ANGRY about. A little bit good, a little bit bad - mostly they left us alone, we left them alone.

Jerry I liked, Jimmy was probably as honest as any of them (not a high bar) but seemingly gullible, Reagan was a front man for Daddy Bush, Daddy Bush showed his smarts picking Quayle as VP, Clinton showed BJs on the job (or not) were the most important criteria of the job ... and then Junior. Who looked almost OK when put up against Mr Internet


Made one regret the Trickster.

How bad is this guy? It can't get worse...


Murphy's Law is only constrained in one direction.

Anonymous said...

FDR - now there was a piece of work and he did it in the 30's! Think of what he could do today?
Think of the next dickhead coming in. Better vote with your feet and find a hole somewhere.

Murphy's Law said...

I keep telling my liberal friends that Obama's first term is nothing but a continuation of two past administration's, specifically it's G.W. Bush's third term on civil rights and growth of government and Jimmy Carter' second one in areas of economic and foreign policy.