Extrapolating slightly, I'd say they meant the low temp on Thursday will be 0 degrees F. Puts my "bitter/ freezing/ Artic cold" (according to the consensus of my coworkers) temperature of 40F this morning (in SoFla) in perspective. (And they were right, it probably is the coldest day of the year here, at least until that air mass giving you the -5 readings gets down this far.)
They do have gun shows here. Just sayin', in case you get tired of the weather.
That's so cold that if you have to ask, you're not dressed right for it.
I would think that means you'll freeze your nuts off.
Zero Kelvin will be achieved on Thursday!
Extrapolating slightly, I'd say they meant the low temp on Thursday will be 0 degrees F. Puts my "bitter/ freezing/ Artic cold" (according to the consensus of my coworkers) temperature of 40F this morning (in SoFla) in perspective. (And they were right, it probably is the coldest day of the year here, at least until that air mass giving you the -5 readings gets down this far.)
They do have gun shows here. Just sayin', in case you get tired of the weather.
Surely it will be warmer in Bedford- it is to the south.
I don't think their new graphics package is set up to accommodate three characters for the temp.
Doesn't that forecasting software know not to use a double-negative?
It never gets to 100 degrees or more in Indianapolis?
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