Friday, November 04, 2022

Existential Questions...

A blogfriend from my old stomping grounds, which is to say a fellow Atlanta Braves fan, asked a complex question yesterday:
"Do we cheer for the Phillies because we always cheer for the NL? Or do we cheer for the Astros because they are playing the Phillies?"
I mean, traditionally, if your team doesn't make it to the World Series, you cheer for the team from your team's league. Just like you cheer for your team's conference in the Super Bowl if your team doesn't go all the way. It's usually a no-brainer. But the Phillies, man... I've got a grudge against them going clean back to 1993.

I remember listening to the final game of the '93 NLCS on the radio, working a late night temp job collating papers at a legal firm on the something-teenth floor of an Atlanta office tower.

Besides, I remember when the Astros were in the NL, back in the era of the Killer B's, and our rivalry with them may have been intense, but it was brief.

Screw the Phillies.
