Thursday, September 20, 2007

Headline Confusion:

So, the CNN article was headlined "Senate Democrats' Iraq plan defeated": I was unaware that "Run away! Run away!" had been elevated to the status of "plan".


Yuri Orlov said...

It's as much a plan as employing grade school name calling is reasoned discourse. General "Betray Us" anyone? Then again, what else would we expect from

GreatBlueWhale said...

"I agree with the principles [in the amendment], but I regret to say I've been convinced by those in the professional uniform that they cannot do it and do it in a way that wouldn't invoke further unfairness to other soldiers now serving in Iraq," Warner said on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon.

I think this is the first reasonable thing I've heard Warner say about anything in years.

Anonymous said...

Alright, the following is being sigged I was unaware that "Run away! Run away!" had been elevated to the status of "plan". as it's just too good to pass up.

Anonymous said...

Rejected in favor of breaking out the Holy Handgrenade I assume.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please explain to me why packing up and leaving is such a bad idea? It's what should have been done right after we finished breaking things. Look, this whole "Oh, god, without us there'll be civil war!" thing I just don't get. Civil war? Hot damn! How does that hurt us? The last time they got their shit together and united was under Saladin, and he cause some problems for the Europeans. Civil war? So the Kurds, and a faction backed by Saudi Arabia and a faction back by Iran slug it out. This isn't a bad thing. Hell, this is a great thing. Would you rather fight a united enemy or one that's bickering, infighting, and generally killing the hell out of each other?

Comrade Misfit said...

"Stay and die in the middle of a low-grade Muslim civil war" isn't exactly much of a plan, either.

Rob K said...

"Fetch-ez la vache!"

Anonymous said...

(sigh).I'm afraid I saw this coming on 9/11. Because we do not believe in punitive war--Ike and MacArthur in the liberal fore of this--we have to fix it after it's broken, whether we broke it or not. A modern commitment to military incursion includes commitment to passing out chewing gum, installing phones, and making the trains run on time ("Like it or not, you will have to be free."). Blame Versailles. There's a way out of this approach, but it's more painful to our self-image than the losses we take.

Anonymous said...

"'I was unaware that 'Run Away! Run Away! had been elevated to the status of "Plan"' has my early vote for "Best Snark of 2007"!
Well Done!
(BTW, 10 bucks says the Dems "actual" plan will somehow involve the flinging of cows.)