...apparently consists of standing around in a quasi-orderly fashion, waving signs, chatting with neighbors, picking up trash, walking back to the car, and going home.
If that inspires "terror" in you, I'd hate to think how you'd react if these people were really angry, you grass-eater.
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The capable make some uneasy.
The hope-filled changers need a boogeyman to manipulate the kids.
A far cry from the kind of protestors we saw during the Bush years....
If y'r Left, any form of protest, including rioting destruction is OK.
Wait'll the Great Unwashed Mass of Gunowners starts to get off it's free ride on the coattails of the Activists.
Tea party? Sheeeex!!!
...FREE PARTY, sez I.
and yes, I am a boximist
John, the Red
No, no, it's not terrorism. It's just group therapy.
'Nother interesting link about the mainstream media's response to the tea parties here.
More and more, I feel like Michael Douglas in "Falling Down."
"Wait . . . I'm the bad guy?"
We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto.
I stayed to nearly the end of my Tea Party. The courthouse lawn was as clean as it was in the morning, before a whiff of Tea was smelled. Everyone behaved well, was dressed fine, no one was naked, no one was painted a skin color other than the one they were born with, no one called the President ChimpHitler, there were no newspaper boxes thrown through store windows, no patchouli, no reefer, no b.o. smells, no flip flops. And no violence of any kind, or the taunting of police. In fact, all were polite.
These libertarian and conservative types just don't know how to protest.
Salt Lake City rally was polite and tidy. Fed cops were even cool with those of us that were carrying. We knew we couldn't go in to use their potties inside the building but they had no problem with us outside the building.
The party here in LaLa Land was very orderly. We had about 1500 people, and I didn't see any moonbats at all. The Police were there, but stayed a couple of hundred yards away.
it was a great day!
Is it me or is the Huffington Post one of the most pernicious propaganda outlets for socialism extant?
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