Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Charlie Foxtrot.

Frank W. James on yesterday's clown rodeo at Newark's hilariously-monikered "Liberty International Airport".

"Liberty International: Where you're free to be probulated!"


global village idiot said...

I actually do get a warm fuzzy over this. I get the same warm-fuzzy I get when I read Ecclesiastes.

Run with the right crowd long enough (or just sit at the counter at the Waffle House as opposed to a booth) and you're bound to run into someone who thinks "The Gubmint" is evil, all-knowing, all-powerful and (heh) competent.

The tinfoil-hat crowd fail to realize that the nefarious plans they imagine the evil, all-knowing and all-powerful government carrying out will perforce be undertaken by the people they gripe about at the Social Security office or the BMV.

Stories like this are why I don't worry about my government. Living in America is like living with someone who has OCD and Asperger's Syndrome. He's not really interested in you at all; and as long as you leave those few things he's interested in EXACTLY where he left them, he won't throw a tantrum and you're free to do anything you please.

I'm sure it breaks down on the "macro" level but down here in my little world the metaphor works pretty well.


Joseph said...

Was Jim McGreevey first in line to be probed?

Anonymous said...

"Living in America is like living with someone who has OCD and Asperger's Syndrome. "

The issue is they are also paranoid, have no judgement and have lots of guns, and if that didn't scare you; lots of lawyers and jails too.

Do one little thing wrong and suddenly a bunch of power crazed morons are pointing firearms at you, and if they fail you shoot your ass, they stick you in legal purgatory forevermore.