The boxed set of the first season of The Muppet Show
It has aged extremely well, too. In the largely non-television-centric household in which I grew up, it was the only time the family gathered 'round the idiot box. Watching it again after all these years, I can see why my folks seemed to enjoy it as much as us kids.
And Waldorf & Statler are still like unto gods.
I liked Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and his lab assistant, Beaker.
Stadtler and Waldorf were patterned after Partner (Mike) and I.
Or maybe it's the other way around. I'm not sure.
It is with some amusement that I note the only people to flap the otherwise unflappable Milton Berle were Stadtler and Waldorf
Check this one out with Uncle Milty
I bow before the Swedish Chef...
Bork! Bork! Bork!
I got that box set for my birthday a couple weeks back. The (future) missus and I have been watching it gleefully.
For me it was The Great Poobah, an Aztec-y statue to whom you had to feed a chicken before he would answer your questions.
I have long since wondered how much of an impact those two gentlemen might have had upon your childhood development... that certainly answers it ;).
Me, I am with Turk - Honeydew and Beaker definitely assisted in sending me down the engineering path :).
Best. Muppet Sketch. Ever.
I haven't seen that sketch for thirty years and I can still sing it. :D
Does this mean we won't see any blogging for the next 4 days?
This explains much.
Along about the time Tam was learning to sing, I was working in Iran with a guy who took great delight in calling me "Burt".
He wasn't thinking "Reynolds" either.
He was from the Atlanta area too, as I recall. Something in the water down there maybe?
Everyone has a heroes growing up. I had Statler & Waldorf.
"When the judge sentenced me to the box, I should have asked for the chair!"
"Ho ho ho ho ho"
Kids today, I feel bad that they don't get this sort of TV anymore.
Hope you're always young enough to enjoy the Muppets, Tam.
The Muppet Show rocked.
Even if you weren't stoned.
Not that I knew people who did that sort of thing...
The first 3 seasons are out on DVD. You linked one of my favorites already (You're Always Welcome At Our House). One of the other Best Evah for me was the episode with Alice Cooper as the guest. At age 9 the muppet version of Welcome To My Nightmare was frikkin cool.
Three words:
(We bought the dvds for our kids. Nothing beats Biscuit singing "Lydia the Tattooed Lady."
My kids were raised on that stuff...which means I was exposed too; the effects on young parents was as profound as on the munchkins.
But as we hate to learn the background politics of the Avatar bunch, so might we not want to know too much about the personal attitudes of the creative forces behind Burt and Ernie.
I bought those DVDs used, too.
I know a pair of Statler and Waldorf clones personally. Unfortunately they aren't as funny, personable and engaging as the originals.
Are there any shows that still recycle those old vaudville jokes for new audiences? When I was a kid you could see the likes of Jack Benny, Burns and Allen, or Bob Hope doing those jokes on TV. Latter there was the Carol Burnett show and the Muppets. These are all shows that were produced before my adult daughter was born. Is anyone still doing that kind of innocent humor?
"Nothing beats Biscuit singing "Lydia the Tattooed Lady."
Except for: "We're running late, so we'll have to do the poetry recitation and the tango number at the same time!"
Followed by Fozzie (and ensemble) doing "Stopping By Woods On a Snowy Evening" to the tune of "Hernando's Hideaway." Inspired.
I actually had a Pigs In Space lunchbox.
Jeff sent me a muppet... that'll give me a full set.
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