I'm not sure when the last time I saw this many bad ideas in one holster was... Maybe the old "upside down" shoulder rigs?
(H/T to Knoxville Gun Rights Examiner, via Unc.)
Books. Bikes. Boomsticks.
“I only regret that I have but one face to palm for my country.”
What are "bad solutions in need of a problem?"
w/v: plume. As in, the plume of smoke from the gun of the cop who just shot you as you reached for your permit.
This has got to be the dumbest thing the NRA has ever done since they kicked out Neal Knox.
Shootin' Buddy
I'm assuming this is the updated version of the CCW badge?
It's like a CCW badge that can get you shot by a jumpy cop while your gun falls out of it and clatters to the pavement! It's like three bad ideas in one!
Failholster makes pdb sad.
I've actually got the non-permit version of this and it works a lot better than you might think. If your belt is tight enough to hold your pants up, it's going to be tight enough to hold your gun in place using this holster.
Or, at least it works fairly well as an IWB holster. I've never actually tried it OWB. Based on where the gun rests in the holster, though, I suspect it's better than it seems at first glance.
Why, sure, officer, my permit is right here, by this loaded gun I'm about to flash as I reach . . . What was that you said? Bang bang bang bang? I'm sorry, I don't speak Bang.
wv: gravo: it's a little bit like gravy, a little bit like grave.
Like most, I have a couple of boxes of reject holsters I have accumulated over the years. Including several similar to the NRA "permit" holster. At the moment, my using holsters are the two I have bought from Michael at the Holster Site, six modified front breaks, and one of Uncle Mike's stiff canvas jobbies that looks rough but works.
I don't think I will be popping for the NRA holster. And my permit will stay in my wallet, facing my DL. Show the nice officer one, show him both.
Hey! I had one of those upside-down shoulder holsters for my Chief's Special, and liked it a lot! Made me feel all Joe Fridayish.
This one's pretty dumb, though.
Four- if you lose your holster, you also lose your permit. AND provide its new possessor with your name, address, DOB, SSN, and a preety picture of yourself!
Everybody wins!
Oops, five.
Put the permit in the holster when you want to use it. Remember that the permit is in this particular holster. Take it out when you change holsters/guns. If there's a pistol in the car, you have to get your permit from the holster every time you drive.
Yes, one more thing to keep up with.
Well, the NRA needs to make money somehow to pay for that new range in Nevada that Harry Reid gave them. But aren't they also saving lawyer's fees by not fighting for political free speech?
Ken Null still makes an upside down shoulder holster. They're great for small handguns. I guess all carry methods have their pros and cons, but the Null type holster has some tangible advantages for some situations.
It's times like these that make me wonder if anyone in the NRA Fairfax complex carries a firearm anymore.
I'm startin' to feel I should peel the NRA sticker off my car. I only keep up my membership for the magazine, anyway.
Les, I agreed with you a couple of days ago, but it seems now that the "NRA exemption" is going to kill that particular bill right dead.
"I'm sorry, I don't speak Bang."
You win.
Re: Disclosure. Geraghty had an interesting peice on the Campaign Spot today.
I guess their story is that they thought the dems would "never" agree to the exemption, and thus they could make that as their demand.
(Nevermind the idea of giving the NRA the exemption then yanking it in a year or less).
And due to the universe's sense of humor many on the left freaked out at the NRA not being... destroyed like they were told would happen.
Alath - fer sure. I've got one of Null's older designs that uses the plastic clip that locks into the trigger guard. Sounds really stupid, but the damn thing does the job.
I think the scary thing is that they tout it as their best seller.
Last I heard from Fox news was that the Sierra Club wanted the same exemption as the NRA, then other treehuggers and assorted lefties wanted THEIR exemption....and thats why it might kill the bill. But it still doesn't explain why the NRA won't fight a piece of legislation that is just an end around of McCain-Feinghold which was declared Unconstitutional, and is in and of itself would also be declared Unconstitutional, unless SCOTUS loses a couple of Conservatives and/or Kennedy.
That's only slightly less brillant than this http://booksbikesboomsticks.blogspot.com/2010/06/didnt-think-this-one-out-too-well-did.html
I've got to come in in defense of the Berns-Martin type holster.
Especially on a motorcycle, it's the right answer for a Cobra.
It's the only truly ambidextrous holster I've ever tried. You can draw with either hand with little loss of speed or security- good for when your right hand's still on the throttle grip.
Same goes for the tradesman who can't belt-carry because of a tool belt.
Guns heavier than about 24 ounces, maybe not so hot.
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