Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fingers still crossed.

Apparently the deadline came and went down in New Zealand without anybody getting caught up in the air with a shout and the trump of judgment, but they're a pack of godless foreigners with strange accents down there anyway, so that doesn't necessarily prove anything.

(And then it's pretty much all wogs from there to Calais, barring the occasional sober Australian, so I'm holding my verdict until 1800 GMT... Wait, does Jesus use DST?)


The Duck said...

According to the news 6pm EST, so I'll have time to do my class today.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's 1517 here in sunny Iraq, and the base is still chock full of people. I think the "end of days, man, end of days!" talk may have been a wee bit premature. No more stumbling, shuffling, and stinkiness than normal.

Wait...were those zombies? Nope...just some infantry guys that were up way too late.

McVee said...

Personally I think This fella's in-cahoots with the car dealerships that had "the world is coming to an end, low financing available!" deals.

BobG said...

I woke up and the world was still here, so I figured I might as well put on a pot of coffee.

Julie said...

Hey i'm sober ... and still here

Tam said...

Heh. I was hoping you'd check in. :)

Anonymous said...

"...does Jesus use DST?"

That ungodly abomination? Heavens no!

As to the end...well, if the Hereafter is as-advertised, I'm ready. But you'd think an all-knowing Entity would save himself the effort and let us finish the job ourselves.

So this current Agent of Apocalypse might not be too far off. But he and his ilk could save themselves some embarrassment just by saying "Any day now..."

And while I'd much rather see Jesus float down on a cloud to take His decent children Home than deal with the highly unpleasant Armageddon we are busily working towards, I'll be ready for that too. You?


perlhaqr said...

Dangit, I was hoping to pick up a car that got better mileage from someone who had been whisked off.

Brad K. said...


The good news is, the end came and you never noticed.

The bad news is, all the good people's souls were sped to glory, and what is left are those still needing saving.

Unless you choose a different path, and look to the wonder and magic of nature, and the divinity that is part of everything from rocks to the annoying neighbor kid. As the sun and moon are mere symbols of the male and female aspects of the divinity that invests and informs us all.

And DST was a proposal by Ben Franklin, according to the "National Treasure" movie. For me the whole "May 21" argument floundered when the concept of the International dateline came up. Who knows if the Almighty divides the day into the 24 hours mankind chose -- or ten, like the number of fingers and thumbs on the hands of many of us, or twelve like the number of fingers we maybe were supposed to have, or the logically significant 16 hours per day. (Even though I might be the only one here that things hexadecimal is divine.) Even given a question about the number of hours in a day, how do we know where the Almighty chose to start that day (where the International Dateline goes), since that was a pretty arbitrary choice to simplify sailing English ships, or something like that. I am pretty sure the Almighty doesn't keep Union Pacific time.

Jenny said...

I'm just grateful to still live in a country where no matter how bone-headed your idea, you can still get folks to cash your check and plaster it up on a sign. :)

Robin said...

"Wogs begin at Calais" - a Labour MP's slur claiming it was Churchill's view of foreigners.

Ed Foster said...

When did you meet a sober Australian?

NotClauswitz said...

What if the Rapturez came sweeping by, and with it a bunch of bitchin' DC-8s...? Where's John Frum when you really need him?

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear. This is bad...


Anonymous said...

I figured that stuff left behind could be merely salvaged; it wouldn't be looting.

So off I went. Found some neat stuff. But! Dangit, the dude came home!

I decided that Napture was better...

KPete said...

We might talk strange down here in NZ but damn, I was so looking forward to the the zombie apocolapse, Godless heathen that I am. I was quite miffed that I had to put my guns back in the cupboard. Aw shoot, hic...