Monday, May 02, 2011

Breaking news:

Osama Bin Laden impersonator found dead with fake Obama birth certificate in pocket...


Home on the Range said...

Short or long version?

JD Rush said...

And a plan to pay for social security.

Rabbit said...

Underneath the body was a set of notebooks containing the details of workable cold fusion and the Pogue carburetor as detailed by O.H. Lee, the inventor of both.

Anonymous said...

President Simba actually interrupted his golf game to green light a raid inside Pakistan? I'm almost afraid to go outside for fear of getting hit with falling pig scat.


Dan said...

... and he'll take credit for the operation in the war he wanted to end, using the troops he almost neglected to pay...

Scott said...

Dan, Anon:
President Obama ordered the kill shot, just as he did with the Somali prates by the snipers off the fan tail of that warship off Somalia. Obama got it done.
Your boy shrub didn't.

Scott said...

Make that Somali pirates.

Joe in PNG said...

Since when has W been "our boy'?

Your master Soros needs to do a bit more research when he give you your talking points.

Spud said...

If God himself came back tomorrow, some would claim he was a fake...

Außenseiter said...

Multiple 15 megapixels pics of the corpse or it didn't happen...

Anonymous said...

The kill shot for the pirates was taken despite Odumbo's meddling.

Tam said...

If he was really on the moon, how come the flag's waving?

Anonymous said...

And another thing Tam,where's all the stars at! Meh....

Anonymous said...

All I care about is the "Osama" and "dead" parts!


Anonymous said...

With all the turmoil in the Islamic world, this announcement doesn't strike me as the best way to try to hide our monumental screw-ups in Libya. Else, why create an even larger martyr image?

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

How convenient.

staghounds said...

I suppose I'm crazy. because I believe:

That President Bush and President Obama did nothing the other wouldn't have done in the same circumstances.

That any fool can command his minions to "get Bin Laden".

That the credit is due to the people who wore themselves out on this pursuit, the people who did the work, and the people who told us where he was (if any).

That the people to whom the credit is due would rather have done the job than get the credit.

That this happened now because this was the first time it was possible, not because of some political scheduling.

That revenge/punishment is not victory.

Tam said...


I see we're both crazy the same way.

Anonymous said...

Well said.

aczarnowski said...

The tinfoil is oddly attractive this morning. The WaPo article (granted) made this sound like the tidiest .gov operation of all time. Buried at sea?

"And [puff], he was gone."

Außenseiter said...

You are not crazy.

You are okay if you believe presidents hardly ever are fully responsible for what happens, or what their subordinates make happen.

Reagan didn't come out with the winning strategy for the Cold War. Somehow suggested it to him, and he decided to back that policy.

Sure, he deserves some credit. I'd say half, for bluffing the Russkies and having the balls to do so. I can't imagine Carter going forward with Star Wars... er.. SDI.. and the military buildup.

Anyway, yeah. If I ever meet the guys who found out where he was, or who participated in the attack, I'm gonna buy them all a good round of quality Czech lager...

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

@Staghounds, +10.

wv: jurorpro. Sure, if they wanted to pay me an annual salary.

Anonymous said...

"...revenge/punishment is not victory."

Oh yes the fuck it is.

What is the goal of war? Kill the enemy. He's the enemy. He's killed. That's a victory, and it is sweet.

Good on the men and women that actually made this happen, and to the degree that he was involved though not perhaps to the degree that he takes credit, good on BO.

+1 on the rest of your points, though.


McVee said...

For those whose mission it was to bring this to finality. Well done.
I personally have thought the Man was dead for many years. He was rumoured to have been in poor health and generally tending to dialysis while avoiding bloodhounds is difficult to say the least. The fact that He was found in Pakistan, in a mansion, where We ultimately caught up to Him does not bring comfort. If anything it confirms that His support and popularity is much greater than many believe. I suspect that the fight has just begun. I pray I'm wrong.

Steve Skubinna said...

Right, Scott, Obama "got it done."

'Cuz he was totally in the shit, man!

Of course, the actual boots on the ground? Little people. Accessories. Photo props. It was all Obama gettin' it done.

Good call, asswipe.

Anonymous said...

On Doubting Thomas Sunday? I'll believe ObL is dead when I stick my fingers in the bullet holes.

Anonymous said...

Scott, you don't know anything about me, so stop making assumptions about who "my boy" is. I'm glad "your boy" didn't stand in the way of this operation, but I give him no more credit than that. And I still bet he just phoned it in from the 7th hole in between putts.

I'm flying my flag today in honor of the guys behind the trigger. They're the only ones I consider "my boys."


Anonymous said...

Saddam Hussein: Jackbooted dictatorial thug, found in a hole in the ground like a smelly-assed terrorist.

Osama bin Laden: Smelly-assed terrorist, found in a mansion like a jackbooted dictatorial thug.

Your morning irony.


Anonymous said...

OK, now we brace for the revenge attacks. And stop sending any funds or assistance to Pakistan. If we're going to help folks in that part of the world, let's send the money to India - we have a common enemy.

And kudos to the people who planned, supported and carried out the attack!

Anonymous said...

I hope they dipped their bullets in lard.

Well done to the boots on the ground!


Bubblehead Les. said...

From one old Sailor to those Sailors who Accomplished the Mission: Well Done.

Inbredredneck said...

I'm with Gerry.

Rob J

og said...

Steve @8:37

"Good call, asswipe."

How dare you. Asswipe is functional and useful.

WV: Scratti. This asswipe is scratti, like it was made out of dessicated old liberals

Stretch said...

Bravo Zulu to all involved.
I was certain that Osama had been blown to bits or buried in some Afghan cave years ago. Guess that's why I installed phones and didn't work on the PDBs.
At least I know yesterday's tax money was well spent.

Scott said...

I have seen reports that say we have the body and others that say he was buried at sea. I would like to see some good hi-res photos and maybe hear some rumors that he was wrapped in bacon before they deep-sixed him.

That would give his followers a little to think about.

SpeakerTweaker said...

You can't prove he was an impersonator.



Gewehr98 said...

Damn. That was a billion-dollar (or more?) bullet, considering the lead-up over the last 10 years to the delivery of said projectile.

Außenseiter said...

Al-Qaeda said they have a nuke wired to go off in Europe when OBL gets it...

Yeah.. right. That's likely.